well sort of.

Got mail through flickr a bit back telling me one of my pics there (right) had been short-listed for inclusion in the fourth edition of our Schmap Glasgow Guide, then at the weekend another saying it had been included in the guide, one of about 9 or 10 to represent Hampden Park.
Don’t why they picked that particular one, a Seville banner of what looks like Getafix the druid from Asterix and it isn’t exactly in focus, maybe that’s why, they thought what better way to view the home of Scottish football through drunken eyes 😀

A while back I was asked and gave permission for another pic (above) from that night to be used to represent Hampden Park again but this time to be used at the exposition to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Barcelona’s Camp Nou Stadium at the Futbol Club Barcelona Museum, where they wanted pics of – in their words – the most important stadiums in the world.
Again strange that they wanted one of the city rivals Espanyol but there you go.