Tweets of a Toxic mind for 2010-05-09

  • I favorited a YouTube video — Nayim Phoenix From the Flames #
  • I favorited a YouTube video — Phoenix from the Flames – Jimmy Greaves #
  • Said after every goal on MotD Goal of the Month – "It's good but it's no Danny Rose" – bar one of course. #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — Go with the flow #
  • Sun is out but then it was earlier and the beach was still bloody freezing #
  • Haven't a prospective parliamentary candidates at the door for years, ever since I ran that SNP twat off with his tail between his legs #
  • Just waiting for the Labour one to show his face. Vote for a slaphead with a beard, hahahahahaha. #
  • @toadmeister Quick someone play a Slim Whitman record, you just never know… in reply to toadmeister #
  • "I don't condone violence, I just encourage it…" – Make the world a better place – #
  • Bloody hell WordPress dashboard is all screwed to hell and why would I update to the version I'm using?? #
  • Is Ross Kemp bigging up Labour just so he'll get more TV shows in Iraq/Afghan. – will always think of him as Zippy – #
  • How many postal votes have Labour filled out for your address? #
  • "electoral fraud that would disgrace a banana republic" – nothing has changed since, even Labour's excuses – #
  • Those dim bints that are still going weak at the knees when they see Mr Tantastict Blair should be disenfranchised. #
  • Danny Dyer – a symbol of the last 13 years of Labour #
  • What a shame if Ed Balls couldn't use his contemplation suite on Friday, he'll just have to get the Nazi uniform out of the cupboard then. #
  • Oh so that's the retard that's always trending on here, right – #
  • The BBC have certainly picked who they want to win but shouldn't the tab under poshboy Clegg be pissy yellow not purplish? #
  • No true Spur could vote LimpDum while Jihad Jenny is still on their books. #
  • All apologies to Kaboul, he's been excellent in this run in #COYS #
  • If you need this should you even be allowed to vote? – #
  • Piss off a BBC luvvie – Vote Tory #
  • @osc_pro And that was a party political broadcast by the Burty Party 😉 in reply to osc_pro #
  • Poor old Ester Rantzen lost her deposit – that'll teach her to fuck up this country with "no win no fee" ambulance chaser ads. #
  • Oh and Lawrence Taylor it still doesn't make up for you fucking up Joe Theisman's career. #
  • Sod the election: We're all living in an 'Arry wonderland, 'Arry wonderland, 'Arry wonderland… #
  • Has anyone asked Lembit Opik – why the long, squint face? #
  • Note to Mr Redknapp re: Bellamy – we have a happy squad #
  • PlanetRock: Sammy Hagar "This Planet's On Fire" now that brings back memories one of the first tracks I learnt to play all the way through. #
  • Stephen Stills debut album I haven't listened to that in a long time. #
  • RT: @Hotspur_1882: RT @samhesling: thinks this could be the last time we ever see Jermaine Jenas is a Tottenham shirt. #coys <hopefully! #
  • Why is Rafael Beneathus on the BBC front page, who cares about those in mid-table mediocrity? #
  • @yawnerddn 😀 You must be glad you didn't get 'Arry when you had the chance 😉 in reply to yawnerddn #
  • @yawnerddn How long before he gets the push because you're not challenging for the title? in reply to yawnerddn #
  • How many OG have ManUre had this season? #
  • @yawnerddn not me 😉 in reply to yawnerddn #
  • @yawnerddn wouldn't put money on it in reply to yawnerddn #
  • End of season result #

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