Tweets of a Toxic mind for 2011-01-30

  • Andy Gray, is there anyone more qualified to talk about not knowing the rules of the game as an ex-player, as none of 'em have a scoobie. #
  • About 80% of decisions refs get blasted for are down to those running the line, they're all fucking hopeless, male & female. #
  • When Richard Keys and Andy Gray were having their little discussion was Gray picking the fleas from Keys thick fur? #
  • Wonder what the reaction would have been if anyone actually liked Andy Gray and Richard Keys being on their telly. #
  • Favourite 5/6 Nations memory has to be Gavin Hastings crying his eyes out after Callard kicked a last second pen, which wasn't, in '94. #
  • "…said Gavin Hastings had broken down and cried during the post-match television interview. That cheered us up!" @willcarling #
  • Finally got gzipped font files to work in all reasonable browsers. #
  • Gordon Brown needs to realise that it isn't hacking into a phone if someone picks it up after he's thrown it at them. #
  • @neko_case Or 😉 #
  • Fleetwood Mac died after Greenie left but The Chain is still a classic and Lindsey Buckingham is a fine guitar picker. #
  • What would be really handy in those scripts that add user agent class to the html tag would be if they added ".not-ie" for all non IE agents #
  • They were pretty close when singing "you're getting sacked in the morning" about Andy Gray, just time of day wrong. #
  • Yet another Jock on the dole – Andy Gray #
  • "This is our generation's Sputnik moment" – what you're going to be beaten to it by the Russians? #
  • When abroad I've nearly always found the World Service to be excruciatingly awful. #
  • …I've absolutely no interest in some tennis match between two Ukrainian women. #
  • Sounds like I made the right choice in turning the dial to PlanetRock rather than TalkShite #
  • Bartolo Colon, bloody hell bring your glove and cleats to Yankee stadium you might get a game. #
  • head.js works perfectly in everything except safari, oh great. #
  • "former South African president Nelson Mandela" are the four words at the beginning of that really necessary? #
  • Watching My Wedding My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding last night I was minded of Basil Brush's reaction when accused of racism #
  • I liked a YouTube video — Shake Your Moneymaker- 1969 – peter green #
  • I liked a YouTube video — Peter Green Fleetwood Mac "Like it This Way" #
  • Whoa, black Betty bam-ba-lam #
  • I do believe that sometimes Safari needs a good hard kick in the nuts… #
  • "Glee is worse than 'Grease' and 'Grease' is bad enough…" Nice one Slash. #
  • "I look at 'Grease' now and think: Between 'High School Musical' and 'Glee', 'Grease' was a brilliant work of art." #
  • "Vin's [Vinny Vincent] often unfairly regarded as a figure of fun" – bit of an understatement. #
  • BBC Arabic follows Yankees outfielder Nick Swisher, bizarre. #
  • Does BBC Arabic really need 4 accounts? #
  • نكاح #
  • Roll me over and turn me around, let me keep spinning till I hit the ground, roll me over and let me go, riding in the rodeo… #
  • So The Met Office and their fanboys at the BBC have been found bullshitting about the winter forecast at our huge expense, what a surprise. #
  • How many millions did that "supercomputer" cost so the Met Office can say it might be warmer, it might be colder or it might be the same? #
  • Thank you Novak Djokovic for making it a bit easier to live in this wasteland of a country for the foreseeable future. #

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