in the room.
So things are back being reddish and orangey around here instead of deafultish and bland
I believe was the word Flash used. Hey it’s only taken how long???
Well we’ll see how long the server stands up to version 4.5 of Toxic Web – all new and improved now with added html5 and css3. OK so the look is still very roughly the same.
A load of plugins have been given the heave-ho, lot of functionality switched to javascript, so you’re browser does the work not my server, therefore you’ll need jscript switched on if it isn’t there’s a nice warning telling you over on the right hand side. Speaking of browsers if anyone’s using an old one then tough, certain things ain’t gonna be looking right. Forget Microisoft’s campaign to rid us of Internet Explorer 6, I’ve gone one better as I really couldn’t be arsed figuring out what was wrong with IE 7.
Update now or better change *cough*Chrome*cough* or be left behind.
So it’s been tested on the the last couple of versions of Chrome (10 to 12), Safari (4 & 5), Opera (10 & 11), Firefox (3.6 & 4.0) and on IE8 and is working to my satisfaction but there may be a couple of glitches here and there but there’ll get ironed out.
First thing I have to check is how well the caching setup works with new posts and that’ll be done by this post