Fracking Kills Dolphins!!!
Was flicking through next weeks Radio Times, trying to find something on the BBC’s numerous channels that might be worth the effort to record. A fruitless search as the number was down from this week’s meagre offerings.
Since Michael Wood’s three parter about King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons finished this week, it looks like it’s gonna be the couple of Match of the Days – just for the games, fast forward through all the inane chatter – Hanckock’s Half Hour and The Goons. So something I could probably get elsewhere and two radio shows from the 1950s. Might give the new David Threlfall thing a go. But that’s your lot from all the channels for your 145 quid TV tax.
I unfortunately had a look at some of the pieces in the rest of the magazine. Again it showed the BBC aren’t backward in coming forward in their biased views. The worst was a piece that pretty much screamed that headline above. It started…
Don’t let dolphins go – Hundreds of Britain’s dolphins are in danger – from fracking
It then goes on to quote a marine biologist who is apparently a presenter on the BBC, Miranda Krestovnikoff. Now I ain’t a marine biologist, though it did play a part in my university studies – though my main memories are my lecturer owning fish farms and stating he’d never eat fish, which I liked because I can’t stand fish and skipping out midway through a double lecture to see Gary Glitter open the local HMV.
I like dolphins, haven’t seen any this year but when you strike lucky and spot ’em out there it’s a joy to watch them.
These bottlenose dolphins live in an acoustic world – a world dominated by sound.
And sound travels five times faster underwater than through the air. What you do in one place might be affecting dolphins hundreds of miles away.
We need to be aware of the disturbance we are causing in their environment and, on the face of it, fracking sounds like it could represent a danger to the bottlenose dolphin.
It would be awful if one day we discovered there were no dolphins any more because of what we’d done and then to say “maybe we should have thought a bit more before we did all that fracking or did all of that sonar testing” Miranda Krestovnikoff
Now it’s funny because in all the whinging about fracking – lead by the likes of the BBC – I seem to recall it’s all about the beautiful countryside spoiled, I mean Balcombe isn’t exactly on the coast now is it? Does the sound travel the 16 miles – as the Google map flies – into the sea?
Whereas windfarms, there’s quite a number of them out at sea.
They need sonar to locate where to place them. Then they need putting in place, which I imagine could be quite noisy. Then there’s the running of them, the relentless throbbing through the base. Well it would be relentless if they worked and it wasn’t either too windy or not windy enough for them to be worth the effort. You can tell if they are working by the number of birds they kill, rather than the small number of kettles you can boil.
Was it the use of sonar to map out a windfarm out from here that set off a number of whales to beach themselves down the coast and for one to wash up here after trying to beach itself elsewhere?

Ah but just all sorts of pretty worthless, yoghurt knitting, greeny, pie in the sky ideas the BBC loves windfarms, while hating oil or gas so it’s fracking that they will blame not the bird killers.
Though bizarre that they are happier for rich people to become richer through windfarm subsidies they don’t want oil/gas companies profiting. Maybe it’s because of those subsidies, they do love people on government handouts. Or do they want us more in debt to various questionable regimes around the world we have to buy our power from, because even if we cover the whole of the country in windmills it isn’t going to power us in the future. It looks like they’d prefer for little old grannies to freeze through not being able to pay for fuel so there’s enough of it for all their tax payer funded taxi rides and first class flights around the world.