MotD show a game in which only one team


Somehow Match of the Day managed to cut out every minute of play in which Spurs had the ball in their highlights if the final game of the season, well bar one incident.

Yes that one trifling little incident in the 24th minute when the BBC actually had to show Spurs in possession of the ball, it was ever so slightly inconvenient for them. But it only amounted to two touches the cross from Dier and the header from Kane that scored the only goal of the game.

Spurs other chances, nearly twice as many as Everton, were completely glossed over as they portrayed Everton as being lucky losers though the hosts had 20% less of the ball and created one whole attempt on target, throughout a game Spurs bossed like they haven’t for some time.

What could have made the difference for Spurs? Well something that sent teh interweb into apoplexy when the team sheet was announced possibly.

First up people were aghast at the thought that Pochettino could have been going with a back three, this meltdown melted more down when they lined up and Bentaleb was playing left-back.

Well this could have been the major contributing factor. Without Bentaleb in the middle Spurs looked better.

Mason looked better, the go forward looked better, things were just better, including cutting down on the defensive work the central defence were required to do.

If Poch had put Stambouli in there more often then that goals against column for the season wouldn’t have looked so ugly and Lloris not so grumpy.

Bentaleb wasn’t as good at left-back as the fanboys will have you believe but then he wasn’t quite Rose inept not having the pace helps though some pace would be nice when he just lollygags back, which is often.

So that 24th minute goal. From right-back Dier put an excellent cross, which is something he’s done a bit of, of late. It’s a part of his game that has impressed. Now he’s not a natural fullback but with delivery like that he’s a better option than Walker. Now if he can be coached to defend correctly, which now looks beyond Walker then you never know.

And so it’s Thursday night Europa League, Sunday afternoon league games, again next season but you have to be in Europe even if it is the lesser competition. Can’t expect to attract Champions League players if you aren’t in any European competitions.

Fifth, higher than was expected just a few weeks back – it was going to seventh wasn’t it? – so no qualifying for the group stages, straight in.

But again another season of missed chances, I mean if they’d only beaten Aston Villa last month then after yesterday’s final day results Sherwood would have been relegated, now no matter how much I enjoyed Steve Bruce being relegated wouldn’t that have been a good end of the season?

But no Spurs got fifth because Brendan Rodgers’ Liverpool out Spurs’d Spurs as they were stuffed by Stoke, which was fun. Spending £100m means you have to be winning the title doesn’t it Brendan? Because you won’t do a Spurs will you?

And now the summer transfer window, who with come, who will go?

Oh and final day meaningless game, prefect time for a Walcott hat-trick, yes the man who scores the fourth goal in a five nil victory scoring more nothing goals to pad the stats.

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