No Sven it’s not xenophobia

it’s shambles like the 3 games this season.

That’s why there’s an ever increasing number of people wanting rid of you doesn’t matter where you were born any manager overseeing what has just past would be facing the same criticism, though an Englishman wouldn’t try such a pathetic way to try and deflect it. But what are the chances you’ll leave the £4m a year job ? 🙄

First up anyway congrats to Norn Ireland, great fight, great attitude, scored a cracking goal and stuck together as a team that knew the plan of attack, well defence first half 😉 And what support, 14,000 packed in Windsor Park never stopped all night, funny hearing them still going well after the full time whistle and why not they deserved to celebrate. Match report

Not to put the Irish performance down but that was the worst England performance in some time, saying something as the Denmark game wasn’t that long ago.

Someone who knows about putting it all into representing his country says it well –

They were a rudderless ship, with no direction and as for formations – there were more formations out there than in a ballroom dancing team.
Wayne Rooney is wasted switching between the right and left hand side. He’s got to play through the middle, playing to his strengths.
He came inside in the second half but didn’t know what he was doing.
The whole thing was embarrassing because the team didn’t appear to know what they were doing. Terry Butcher

It was the same old story, usual suspects, oh Beckham played well put in some killer passes was offered up as the bright side to last night’s defeat. Yup he sprayed the ball around…well not actually around but to Wright-Phillips, Rooney hardly got a look, which was fine but what exactly did it lead to…nowt.

Wright-Phillips was causing the Irish defenders trouble with his pace and dribbling so what happens off he comes in Sven’s usual round of bizarre subs and formation changes completely destroying what little understanding the players had of what they were doing.

Sven has to go, he hasn’t the balls to drop the star names, Lampard was AWOL again, Gerrard nowhere, Ferdinand back to his lazy West Ham days, Beckham isn’t the player to build a team around anymore and the one true genius, Rooney, is wasted out wide and shifted around to fit in with others.

Add to that the general dullness of the man can have no inspirational value, no matter how much the players say they’re behind him, well what the hell else are they going to say they want to stay in the team.

This wasn’t a meaningless friendly this was a qualification game, points rested on this 3 of them thrown away, can we really stick with this guy on the off chance he’ll get us all the way to the quarter finals. No.

Peter Taylor should be promoted from the u21s & Stuart Pearce brought in to replace that other dullard McLaren.

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