First they try and make it non contact

Zinedine Zidane head butts Marco Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup final
Zinedine Zidane head butts Marco Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup final

now they are making football non verbal.

The bans and fines handed out by FIFA yesterday to Zinedene Zidane & Marco Materazzi were a disgrace and so typical of that organisation.

They made it so obvious that they were treating each players actions on an equal basis, so now common assault is just as bad as giving someone a bit of verbal in the eyes of football’s authorities.

So Zidane gets a 3 game ban and a 7,500 Swiss francs fine for a butt that was far worse than the one that saw Duncan Ferguson spend 44 days in Barlinnie jail in 1995 and Materazzi is banned for one game less, or actually two games more as he is still playing unlike Zizou, and just a 2,500 francs less of a fine for saying a few things that weren’t, as both parties stressed, racist and could have been about Zizou being a slaphead – no one is telling.

It goes on in every sport I can think off and on every football ground, Aussie wicket keepers, slip fielders, baseball catchers and rugby front row forwards must be pissing themselves with laughter at the thought.

I do wonder if the situation had been reversed would Zidane had to even answer to any charges from FIFA and would Materazzi just get 3 games?

It looks like a case of trying to deflect away from the actions of the talented superstar playing his last game of a glorious career in the big showpiece World Cup final and make it the fault of the nasty hacker defender with previous, forgetting that this isn’t the first time for Zidane whose other 13 red cards included a head butt.

I have to agree with Inter Milan president Giacinto Facchetti that this sets a worrying precedent.

Get your Zidane head butt shirt

4 Replies to “First they try and make it non contact”

  1. Hey guy, get over yourself. Whatever that Italian dick head said was bad enough to get him fined and suspended for 2 games and thus most certainly not within the “normal” scope of acceptable trash talking during game time. So get over it. Materrazi is a real piece of shit person and really not worth anyone expending energy to defend.

    Zidane was great on and off the field. He is not a god, or a hero, just a man and given what is rumored to have been said to him, reacted in a way most men would have.

  2. “bad enough” according to FIFA, an organisation that are doing their best to ruin the game – not saying much is it really.

    I’m not sticking up for Materazzi – posted enough about him being a scumbag with plenty of previous – it’s the fact that you’ll now be able to get anyone banned by claiming “he said that to me”, it’s not the player but the precedent set, that a few words are only a game less than common assault.

    Rumoured to have said, well it wasn’t racist as all parties were at pains to point out, so was it the rumour that the “insults” were about Zidane being bald – slaphead, chrome dome, baldie yeah they’re bad enough for a 2 game ban. 🙄

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