Poor old Shreky McChinstrap

really wants that MVP.

And has been whinging about how it’ll go to someone who got their team to to playoffs with their batting, fielding and what they brought to their club, rather than a guy who gets up every so often and admittedly has hit quite a number of homers and RBIs.

I’ll tell you one thing. If I get 50 home runs and 10 more RBI [which would give him 137], that’s going to be a round number that no one else in the American League will have.

But they’ll vote for a position player, use that as an excuse. They’re talking about [Derek] Jeter a lot, right? He’s done a great job, he’s having a great season, but Jeter is not a 40-homer hitter or an RBI guy. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve done for your ball club, the bottom line is, the guy who hits 40 home runs and knocks in 100, that’s the guy you know helped your team win games. David Ortiz (Shreky)

Compare that to Jeter who when questioned always says it’s the last thing on his mind and he’s only thinking about winning for the Yanks getting to the post season trying to add to his number of rings. That’s right being the captain thinking of the team first, unlike Shreky who doesn’t seem to think much of his team…

Don’t get me wrong — he’s a great player, having a great season, but he’s got a lot of guys in that lineup. Top to bottom, you’ve got a guy who can hurt you. Come hit in this lineup, see how good you can be.

So he seems to think the rest of the Sox lineup is crap, well the way they’ve bombed over the last month or so may suggest he’s right, but I think batting right in front or Manny Ramirez that Jeter would get a few pitches and be a runner for Manny to drive in quite a bit.

Of course I’m with The Scooter Jeter is my choice for MVP but that’s cause I’m biased, but I’d say his competition should come from Jermaine Dye or Justin Morneau if they make it to the playoffs, if not it’s DJ’s.

Same in the NL, if the Phillies get the wild card spot then I’d go for Ryan Howard, if not then it’s been Beltran and Pujols.

Well poor old Shreky, suppose with the Sox tanking so badly, struggling for 3rd spot on the AL East, only 7th best in the AL it’s the only thing for him to go for this year, well that and trying to find out what caused those heart problems.

One Reply to “Poor old Shreky McChinstrap”

  1. Nice reply from Jeter to Shreky’s big girly whinge.

    I’m not thinking about the MVP right now. We’re thinking about winning a division. No one here’s focused on individual awards. – Derek Jeter

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