Bloody hell it was better under Sven

than last night for England.

The results were both the same but when England last faced Spain under Svennis’ reign they were on the end of a 1-0 stuffing, unlike last night when the Spanish hardly bothered to get the same margin of victory.

And they didn’t need to bother putting any effort in as England’s lifeless, banal, insipid display made it easy for them.

But what were we to expect, everyone knows Neville is crap at left back, should he have ever won an another cap after Euro 2000, he’s got over 50 for fuck sake, nice job jumping out of the way for the goal and that’s with his ugly phizog just imagine what a coward he would be if he had something to lose looks wise. Oh and the bright idea of putting Lampard out on the left, such thinking shows exactly why McClaren isn’t fit for the job.

This was the chance to try out the fringe players & kids, give them all a start, players who have something to play for, a place in the squad or indeed the team not those handed out caps on name alone regardless of poor performance after poor performance in an England shirt.

Richards at right back, Barry at left, Dawson in the central defence and Barton in the middle, should have been given a start and a good run out, not a few minutes.

But no another one dimension Gary Neville cap, another nothing performance from Gerrard – with the central midfield role, Lumpalard out of his way on the left and a holding player behind what excuses did he have for last nights first half mince about?

Those that you would think had something to perform for last night didn’t, Dyer – slow of though and deed, Wright-Phillips – at least it shut his dad’s big gob – why not well they know they’ll be in the next squad no matter what’s going on, hell if Jenas gets in every time.

All that added to a seeming lack of knowledge about what formation the manager sent them out to play in.

Of course it may have helped if every international ref hadn’t taken a dislike to Peter Crouch, every time he was ran into and fouled it was given the other way and every time he slightly brushed a player in red the whistle went and it seems the same in most games.

Go now you Grinning Ginger Twat while there’s still a chance to qualify…

I don’t feel the players are letting me down Steve McClaren

Wouldn’t say they’re playing for you either…

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