Lies, damn lies and

the press releases of football chairmen.

Who do we believe in the he said, they said, he said drama of the Juande Ramos offer from Spurs that was then was first dizzying then wasn’t at all.

To further clarify the situation – the Club wishes to make it clear and unequivocal that no individual was or has been offered the position of manager/coach at this Club whilst that position has been held by Martin Jol. It is wholly inaccurate and inappropriate to suggest otherwise. THFC web site

White Hart Lanes resident circus midget, chairman Daniel Levy, really has done a good job in making himself out to be a lying, conniving back, stabbing little wretch of a man who shouldn’t be able to pass the “fit and proper test” the F.A. require for those in charge of teams.

After all he fired Glenn Hoddle leaving the team in the Pervy Pleat holding pattern for how long before that executive masterstroke of hiring Jaques Santini, which Frank Arnesen’s bringing in Jol helped bail the chairman out of but Danny and his mates don’t like Martin now because they’re ambitious and don’t live in the real world.

Two fifth place finishes, our highest in the Premiership, a decent run in our first European campaign for some time and one dodgy meal away from the Champions League not just think what they could have done if Martin was as ambitious as Levy is, it’s a good job the “top four” aren’t that ambitious or spend a lot of money or there’s be no chance of breaking into their mini-league. 🙄

The next bizarre rumour is that Blackburn boss Mark Hughes is the preferred target now they’ve been turned down by first choice Juande Ramos. Hmm so can’t get the bloke they want I know next best thing get a look-a-likey.

One thing I’ve thought about this is the pressure is now off Martin, he knows he’s gone at some point sooner or later, he’s got the backing of the majority of the fans, I don’t think he’ll struggle to find another job, so he can just send his team out there with the players he wants to play and play the way they did a couple of months after Xmas last season.

And he can do it all with the dignity that would be beyond the likes of Levy, Kemsley and Comolli.

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