There for the taking

were ManUre yesterday in the relegation six pointer.

But as soon as Robbie Keane’s dipper hit the bar after what 20 seconds you just knew they were going to be the lucky ones.

The third string defence of Gardner, Rocha and Lee managed to stifle what they had on offer which was very little, didn’t really have anyone who sits on the last defender and tries to get behind the defence with pace, they all wanted to do some fancy dan stuff in front of the Spurs back line which made that third string’s day a bit easier.

You also knew that the penalty shouts would lead to nothing, no matter how blatant, you could tell by the shade of Fergie’s nose how stuck on Brown’s handball it was. Other end of the park it would have been spot kick and red card but those thing don’t happen to those in red at OT especially after all the Wengerish moans by Ferguson about refs over the last couple of weeks.

It was a game that Spurs should have got something out of, at least a point if not all three the chances were there just not taken the performance was decent but again could’ve been better. Bale showed what potential he has, just some better choices with some of his final balls needed but finally an actual left footer on the left. Now if the could get Pedersen or Taylor to play either behind of in front of him even better.

Shimbomba (© David Pleat) had an excellent game in attack and defence, Berbatov was class when he looked interested and when he didn’t he really didn’t – but it was enough for him to get a pay rise.

What could have won it was someone in midfield that can take the game by the scruff of the neck and boss it – Jenas is not that player, he never was and will never be, he’s OK against the likes of Derby but not against the bigger sides. If he was offered up for sale it would be the likes of Derby that would want him, I doubt any of the teams that finished above Spurs in the last couple of seasons would take a second look.

The other good thing about the game it showed the fans and the players back BMJ after more back stabbing witterings from those people Len Shackleton rated so highly.

I did like Martin’s comments about how he was concerned for Spurs sporting director Damien Comolli after the meetings in Seville, as the man who holds the position for the Spanish side is the best in the world and he speaks Engish as well. 😀

Oh well it was an away game against Fulham that really kick started last season…

I love Martin Jol…Martin Jol loves me. Altogether now…

6 Replies to “There for the taking”

  1. “What could have won it was someone in midfield that can take the game by the scruff of the neck and boss it ”

    Wow…reading that leads me to believe that I may actually know something useful about soccer now. I’ve been telling my newly minted Spurs fan roommate that what they are missing is what the Big 3 (can’t include Arse) have…that dynamic midfielder. Lampard, Gerrard, and Ronaldo (when not suspended) fill that role for them (amongst the other solid midfielders those teams have)…who will it be for Spurs?
    I have to agree that it’s not Steed or Jenas.

    If any of these 20-and-youngers turn out to be the players people say…things bode well, provided Spurs can hang onto Taarabt, Huddlestone, Bale, Lennon, and Boateng and at least 2 of their current forwards.

  2. Danny Murphy could’ve filled that role if he had been used.

    Maybe it needs one of the central defenders, when fit, either Kaboul or Ledley to move up to the midfield holding position and let the Hudd have the run of the game.

    Now we’ve just got to get you to call it football 😉

  3. I catch myself calling it that after watching several hours of Sky broadcasts. My buddy, for terms of being formal, has decided on calling it Association Football, and American Football, respectively!

    What is the situation with Murphy? Seems like he would be the kind of bulldog you would want in the middle of the park (even looks like one too!).

  4. Association Football now that is formal 😀

    I don’t know why Murphy never got/gets a chance, don’t know who wanted him or who bought him, BMJ didn’t want Jenas but the chairman did and he plays every game. I wanted them to get him he did that role perfectly for crappy Charlton and ‘Pool when they won the odd trinket before.

  5. Well – you got Jenas for 5 more years! I don’t think it would hurt to put Murphy out there with Taraabt or Malbranque for one game and see what happens. They haven’t proven they can score against anyone other than Derby, and that has to be a concern.

    I don’t even think knocking in 2 or 3 against Fulham should make them feel any better…

    Dammit, I know way too much about Spurs.

  6. It wouldn’t hurt at all, Bale on the left The Hudd & Murphy in the middle and one from Lennon / Malbranque / Taraabt on the right. But I can’t see Jenas getting splinters in his arse on the bench much now.

    You can’t know enough about Spurs, to know Spurs is to know life.

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