Tweets of a Toxic mind for 2010-05-02

  • Nowt worse than sanctimonious holier than thou LibDum, anti-Semitism, homophobia look in your own backyard poshboy Clegg #
  • Richest club in the world and all you have is the Faeroe's number 2… #
  • One senior official in the Civil Aviation Authority…admitted that the plume of ash had often been “close to undetectable” #
  • @Kate_BT I do believe you've been hypnotised by those bug eyes… in reply to Kate_BT #
  • @samhs One care….owner in reply to samhs #
  • @yawnerddn My aunt & cousin stayed at a Travel Lodge round your area last week, you'll be glad to hear it was "bloody awful" 😉 #
  • @yawnerddn I would have if I knew they were stopping on route but as I never stopped when doing the trip I don't expect others to 😉 in reply to yawnerddn #
  • Hey, no parking on the dance floor… #
  • When you can't get rid of your MP in the future remember you voted LibDum for this change… #
  • When the BNP have an MP in parliament remember you voted LibDum for this change… #
  • If you want a "yes man" don't hire the man who said no to "This Is Your Life" – Danny Blanchflower – #
  • I favorited a YouTube video — Peter Cook on "Parkinson" Part 1 #
  • Dear Gordon, be careful what you wish, dream, scheme, lie and plot for, it may just come true… #
  • Who is surprised a Labour voter is bigoted, where do the BNP do well but Labour heartlands with ex-Labour voters… #
  • A the luvvies sticking up for poor old Gordon now… #
  • Amazing to think Blair really was doing us all a favour keeping that clown Brown out of number 10 for so long… #
  • Just imagine what Gordon said in the back of his car after meeting voters who weren't lifelong Labour supporters… #
  • All those old pics of Nick Clegg at his posh school looking down his nose show he'll be the type to slag off voters after meeting them… #
  • @yawnerddn too true in reply to yawnerddn #
  • Who told Brown that now is the right time to to put on that smile and tell jokes? #
  • Someone get a mic on Gordon in the car now it'll be bloody priceless, front seat will be taking a hell of a thumping… #
  • So that's one rumour about Brown proved true what about the others *cough*marriage of convenience*cough* #
  • Exactly in what way was meeting a little old lady who is a life long Labour voter "difficult"? #
  • @yawnerddn We end up being in about as much debt as Greece in reply to yawnerddn #
  • As all those ex-ministers said Gordon Brown just doesn't get on with women… #
  • Once Gordon loses the job he has craved for so long, I don't give him long… #
  • To think the biggest balls up Kinnock & Foot made were nothing compared to this, bell is tolling for Labour… #
  • @vallium_towers Bit of a giggle ain't it 😉 in reply to vallium_towers #
  • How much of the tax payers money has been spent on repairing front seats in cars Brown has been in after meeting voters on the street? #
  • Yes Gordon Brown meant to say what he said in the car because he thought we wouldn't hear it, it's what he really thought… #
  • When are Greece having their going out of business sale? #
  • @rutty_uk with thinking like that you could be Gordy's next spin doctor, of course you will be slightly underused as his career is over in reply to rutty_uk #
  • Banged my knee exactly a week ago and now it's completely covered in a wide variety of colours as the bruise finally appears and spreads #
  • @rutty_uk You didn't know about the NONCE key? in reply to rutty_uk #
  • @rutty_uk Cheeky bugger…oooerr… in reply to rutty_uk #
  • Max Clifford: Gordon Brown was rumoured to be going to David Essex's musical at the Garrick last night – I wonder who put that rumour round #
  • 'There is nothing that you could say to me now that I could ever believe' James Gordon Brown #
  • Why is everyone elses mouse that I use a useless, slow, cumbersome article #
  • They all pitch better with Cervelli #
  • The sea was rather bracing this morning… #
  • ..does like the new Spurs kit #COYS #
  • I hate competitions only open to residents of the lower 48 states. @ProGuitarShop manage to do them worldwide so should everyone else. #
  • As good a reason as any to not vote LimpDums Stephen Fry's endorsement, he must have read it off a card or is he just quoting an actual wit? #
  • "houses …40-50 registered …able to accommodate 8 people." – Is this why your vote doesn't count and not the system? #
  • Nice reply to 'Arry's team sheet against ManUre by Kaboul today #COYS #
  • @yawnerddn It's that bloody volcano stopping all the flights heating us up 😉 in reply to yawnerddn #
  • I see more "do as I say not as as I do" hypocrisy from the LimpDums #
  • When will Stephen Fry write that open letter and appear on telly complaining about himself aligning with a party with anti-Semitic links? #
  • I subscribed to g3joe's channel on YouTube…..re_twitter #
  • I subscribed to SteveVaiHimself's channel on YouTube…..re_twitter #

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