Tweets of a Toxic mind for 2010-10-24

  • @yawnerddn Now that's more my price πŸ˜‰ in reply to yawnerddn #
  • Is there any justifiable reason Eric Sykes hasn't been knighted? #EricSykes #
  • Ginger's 10(Two) free album download, should've saved on the bandwidth and gone for MP3s over Flacs with the amount I'll listen to it. #
  • If Liverpool are relegated does that achieve the aims of "Spirit Of Shankly" as second division was their level when Shanks joined? #
  • @yawnerddn πŸ˜€ in reply to yawnerddn #
  • "Jenas was tempted by Inter" – What a job hiding behind the counter at an InterSport shop? #
  • Gordon Strachan, well will managers moving south realise that importing a load of Jocks is a recipe for failure? #
  • @Yids Please not Jenas, please not Jenas, please not Jenas, please not Jenas, please not Jenas, please not Jenas, please not Jenas #
  • @JimBobOH There you go this should keep you entertained for a bit πŸ˜‰ in reply to JimBobOH #
  • #Rooney for Robbie Keane & Jenas, that's about fair #
  • If the idea of Glen Johnson learning Spanish wasn't ridiculous enough… #Rooney #
  • Liverpool, Celtic, Wolves, Inter – surely Man Utd could be another of Robbie Keane's boyhood clubs #Rooney #
  • @JimBobOH Can you fit all of Robbie's boyhood clubs in with only 140 characters? in reply to JimBobOH #
  • @JimBobOH Didn't she bankrupt Remington? Poor old Victor Kiam was never the same. in reply to JimBobOH #
  • If I say that tonight in AJ Burnett I believe, will the men in white coats be picking me up tomorrow? #AJBurnett #Yankees #
  • @Yids Millionaires going on about what others should give when they tax dodge and don't give that much themselves #Bono in reply to Yids #
  • Well if you don't learn from history you'll repeat it and we always end up shit creek after a Labour term in office. #
  • That belief in AJ was well founded then wasn't it… #
  • Just because foreign telly is crap it doesn't make the BBC great. #
  • When giving his reply will Alan Johnson plonk down on the dispatch box in front of him his Economics for Dummies? #
  • Oh dear the luvvies dole queue – the BBC – might have to cut back their staff's jollies to cover muddy fields and US elections. #
  • @JimBobOH I believe they would ignore it and hoped it would go away, you know like a pregnant 12 year old. in reply to JimBobOH #
  • 2am and the traffic's slow… It looks like ladies' nite in Buffalo… #
  • I still believe #Yankees #28 #
  • Remember this really all started by beating Rafael "Captain Pugwash" Benitez last season #COYS #THFC #
  • Of course the perfect font would have to be free for personal use only… #
  • Tonight will be a good night #COYS #THFC #Yankees #
  • @rutty_uk Your reputation precedes you πŸ˜‰ in reply to rutty_uk #
  • At #Spurs aren't boring, Young Boys, Bremen & Inter have been the most entertaining games ITV have shown in years. #COYS #THFC #
  • PC deciding to play up on start up, looks like it's some panic backing up needed. #
  • The way things were going the interest on the debt would be about half the NHS budget, yup let's keep spending, it's a winner for everyone. #
  • Maybe the BBC will now not pay someone Β£100,000 to read out loud but a real world salary. #
  • What bets that shop on ebay will jip me on those two orders and insist I'm outside the mainland UK? #
  • Lucky for Colin Montgomerie he's got built in airbags #
  • Not spending Β£14million on taxis, walking or taking the bus like they keep telling us we should do #bbccuts #
  • Didn't know Bruce Dickinson was the scouse scum's pilot to Napoli. #
  • @osc_pro According to e buyer it is. in reply to osc_pro #
  • Which was more ridiculous Andy Townsend's shirt or saying official couldn't be on the line because the post would block his view of line? #
  • I know it's going to be one small thing that's fucked this PC but it'll probably render the whole thing useless. #
  • All of a sudden, O'Shea, Fletcher, the da Silva's, Obertan etc are good enough. #
  • "burnt out" Gallas or just shite and past it? #
  • Did #Rooney shit himself after the mob turned up last night? #
  • Or was this all a plot by Rooney & Fergie to get cash and promises from the Glazers? #
  • I do like the sound of the VHT Special 6, will wait and see about the next version, the Ultra, with the addons. #
  • @RobbieSavage8 Crystal Palace are always under pressure. in reply to RobbieSavage8 #
  • I won't put van de Vaart in my fantasy team…you should all thank me for that #COYS #THFC #
  • Mark you know Bright you know is you know the you know most you know annoying you know cretin you know @MarkBrighty you know #

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