Tweets of a Toxic mind for 2010-11-28

  • @aidanrad and you'd get much, much more of that first half. πŸ˜‰ #
  • Now should I follow Jenas on here? #
  • Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines. Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way… #
  • Bleeding typical, why did the Vikings have to give Childress the boot just before they play the 'Skins? #
  • Remember the days before Jeter & Mo? Weren't good were they… #
  • Oh christ Jenas is gobbing off again. Expect another disappearing act. #
  • Chances are he'll actually hit the cut strip with the first delivery but what odds on Anderson's first ball being a wide long hop? #
  • All these weedy vampires in flicks and on TV today and the real queen of the vampires died yesterday, Ingrid. #
  • Bleeding freeing out there, sure I could hear the brass monkey whimpering… #
  • 82:40 Bremen's first attempt on target #COYS #THFC #
  • Hopefully nothing trivial with Jenas #COYS #THFC #
  • @yawnerddn Probably giving a speech somewhere while leaving the car running outside for his quick getaway in the private jet. #
  • You can always tell how little a player has done on the park as they're usually the first to celebrate with a scorer. #
  • Too cold to snow…and too orangey for crows… #
  • What a surprise didn't win that vintage Rat reissue, well it's been over 20 years but one of these days I'll get my hands on one of 'em… #
  • It's a good job Obama's never made a gaffe… #
  • Great that Daws is back though of course Kaboul and Gallas just seem to working together. #COYS #THFC #
  • Order placed at 13:57 with @stringsdirect on Thursday, order received at 13:30 Friday, great. #
  • Come on Derek, $150million for 6 years, at 36… #
  • Yeovil at Hartlepool called off quarter past one, how far up the country will the shitkickers be? #
  • @Spooky23 – @pete173 #
  • Early game and the Goon scum are two nil up at half time against a side who haven't turned up, now where have I see this before? #
  • Wouldn't 3-2 be great #
  • @yawnerddn You missed out the world "glorious" in there πŸ˜€ #
  • 5 inches of snow and a morning of heavy, heavy hail stones and thunder and lightning. Lovely. #
  • That #theashes bint says "check profiles", so I did and I reckon she looks like Andy Pipkin from Little Britain. #

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