English football’s nadir still hasn’t been


You’d think the rubbish currently being served up by those wearing the footballing three lions would mean English football is at it’s lowest point.

But no. It can reach further depths.

Heard mention that the problem with the England team is foreign coaches. They’re not interested in the national side so buy too many foreign players and the English ones don’t get a look in. I counter this with two British names who are constantly being employed by English teams. Mark Hughes and Steve Bruce.

But even their repeated presence in the English game could be rendered meaningless by the news that Titus Bramble has stated I hope I can go into coaching.

Now once you’ve stopped shuddering at that thought shudder at the follow up to that statement I can teach the kids coming through, not just about playing, but the mistakes to avoid.

Now Hughes and Bruce are inept managers, a blight on the game but at least they were decent players. Bramble on the other hand is a joke. A national joke. God only knows what he could teach kids and do you want to around to see the results? Maybe he could join up with Darren Bent and teach them how to fall over in attack and defence.

Bramble’s piece in the media is basically him having a go at Paulo di Canio as Bramble exits Sunderland at the Italian’s behest. The players states…

I’ve never played under anyone like him and I’ve played for some of the best managers around, Steve Bruce, Roberto Martínez and Sir Bobby Robson. He thinks he knows everything, but he has got a lot to learn. Titus Bramble

Well the three managers that he mentions either bought or played Bramble, while di Canio has offloaded him as soon as possible. So di Canio has learned something very quickly and in one swift move jumped above those other three.

2032: Titus Bramble, England manager. Come back Roy all is forgiven.

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