The anti Cav league out

in force.

They’ll always finger the British sprinter as the one in the wrong, especially when he isn’t.

The Tour moved north from the Pyrenees to the closest point to Britain it’ll reach until the Grand Depart from God’s own country next year, so there was a bit of an invasion across the Channel. Union flags, alongside the Manx triskelion all waiting to see the Manx Missile. Unfortunately they were disappointed with the result, though saw a fine finish to win the stage by Marcel Kittel.

For the second time this Tour a lead out rider for one of his main sprint rival has dropped wide right into Mark Cavendish’s path, this time they paid the price. And then started bleating about it. Tom Veelers, leading out Kittel did his job and then dropped off as lead guys have to. Yet he looks to his right, can obviously see Cav, knows what a threat he his and then moves to his right, again knowing with a sweep to the left Cav would be heading that way. Cav braces himself, there’s contact and Veelers took a heavy tumble.

And Veelers is indignant as is Cav. Some in the media want to create a fuss, Cav believes the jury have seen against him, but they haven’t and they lay all the blame on Veelers.

All you have to do is look at the the white line down the middle of the road. Cav’s on the right, Veelers on the left. Cav doesn’t really get any closer to the line, while Veelers crosses it by enough of a distance. Banged to rights. Yes Cav leans in but he didn’t take anyone’s line. He braced himself and for once the culprit came off worse.

Apart from Veelers the main criticism of Cav comes from Griepel and his team-mate. Well there’s history there.

Not a great day for Cavendish, again unhappy with his lead out train, did the mood change with the news of his old lead out master Mark Renshaw signing for Omega-Pharma Quick Step for 2014?

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