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Sad news that Sid Haig has died aged 80.
Much to the annoyance no doubt of Marty Walker, I always think of Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding. Yes, I know Groucho played the character, well a character with the same name not the same one.
“The Devil’s Rejects” is a film I’ve seen numerous times, one of my all time favourites, that I won’t miss if it’s on. Must admit I haven’t watched “House of 1000 Corpses” any where near as much.
Great music – from “Midnight Rider” by the Allman Brothers, through “I Can’t Quit You Baby” by Otis Rush to “Free Bird” by Lynyrd for the final scene, with a healthy dose of Terry Reid throughout – great lines, lot of great humour and a bit of mindless violence, what’s not to like about Rob Zombie’s masterpiece?
Sid had been on the go in TV and films from the very early 1960s. It’s funny Haig had a pretty memorable face but until he started getting the big parts I hadn’t recognised him from other flicks I’d seen numerous times. Suppose, they were small roles “Point Blank”, “Diamonds Are Forever”.
So check out “The Devil’s Rejects”, it should be on a Horror Channel near you soon. And while you’re at it pick up you “Captain Spaulding For President” t-shirt…