Going defensive to hang on… why


…it never works for Spurs.

Spurs twice threw away a lead against real football man Dyche’s clogging, fouling, playing for set pieces, non-football team that will be no loss to the league, as Ange went hang on to what you have and it didn’t work.

People act surprised when Ange went defensive late on, as Spurs were leading 2-1, why? Have they never watched Spurs before this season? Time and time again you’ll find yourself saying “that a Conte sub” there. “Why is he doing that?” as he brings on Davies or Royal for Son or Maddison.

This was nothing new. Neith was the game as Everton played their horrible clogging anti-football and Spurs played into their hands. Of course having seen City cheat their way to the cup victory last Friday, you just knew Dyche’s plan would be barge the keeper. You also knew as Dyche was loving Vicario being barged and shoved by a player who hasn’t the remotest interest in the ball, the slightest brush on his player would see him do that arms out screaming his herniated testicle off.

The fraud is nothing if not a predictable hypocritical fraud.

Yeah “Real Football Man” never gets called out because of his mates in the media. Funny how a Spurs player gets sent of diving and the media are all over it. Dyche’s man goes down screaming untouched – something he says his players don’t do because it’s not real football – trying to get Richarlison sent off, a player who is on a yellow and should now have seen red. Don’t suppose Dyche brought that up in any of his post match rants – I bet he doesn’t even talk like that in real life another put on – because his media mates certainly didn’t bring it up.

The fouling of Vicario. Well, it started with City who are much like a Dyche’s team with their fouling but Pep is a genius – I bet the documentary don’t cover the professional foul just with the aim of stopping the opposition, the ones Rodri and Diaz do on a regular basis while the refs just let them away with it, too scared or inept or both. Kept hearing McCoist say that Vicario needs to be stronger. Wonder how stronger you can make yourself when you’re off the ground and being shoved into by a player with his feet on the ground.

You’ve never been allowed to just shove players, on or off the ball. All these old players keep banging on “back in my day”, well you know there’s plenty of footage of back in their day and you know what you don’t see being allowed? The use of hands. No pushing, no holding, no grabbing. No impeding the keeper at corners. No, because if it happens the ref blows for the foul.

Yeah, I’m just sick of it, sick of it even before it happened to Spurs. Yeah Spurs should have done something about sticking someone to protect Vicario but they shouldn’t have to. Take out those City fouls, of grabbing or just hacking the first opposition player who picks the ball up on a break. Take out all the grabbing, pulling, holding, dancing routines out of the game and you’ll get a damn better game.

The Spurs goals were real football – as opposed to Dyche’s football – both of which saw Richarlison finish brilliantly. Here’s another bugbear, Richarlison is playing so well since he had the surgery to cure a long standing injury. Why did they wait so long. Why do clubs do that, have players playing with injuries that can be dealt with and dealt with quickly. But no let’s exacerbate it it an wait on the surgery.

Get him fit and not thinking about that injury and you see finishes like those two he put in there. Brilliant. The Brazilian now has 10 league goals this season, more than Antoni and Wilson combined. I’m sure they’ll do a podcast about that. Maybe Antonio can add in that 10 is the most he’s ever managed in a whole season.

But Spurs should have won this, they should have played more like they did for those goals but as soon as they score they drop off and try and play like the cloggers. And then he takes off players who can hold the ball, run with the ball, for players who were just coughing up possession. Which just invites the opposition on and you end up coughing up the lead.

Angeball is great. Angeball mimicking Southgate’s England ain’t.

Oh and Van de Ven is pure class…

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