
a whole 3 of them and a win.

It seems like an age but finally Spurs scored without Mido playing and got a much needed 3 points against Charlton. Got to keep that gap with ARSEnal big enough for their game in hand not to count.

Also seems an absolute age since Defoe scored, looks like Jol will give up on the little & large show while Mido is away and stick with the 2 little ‘uns Keane & Defoe, after his assessment of Rasiak

Rasiak came in and had his chance but did not do well Martin Jol

Nice understatement there Martin 😉 also why have you stopped saying “Nhhoo” at the beginning of every answer to post match questions, I’d pretty much perfected my impersonation and you’ve stopped.

Anyway a good performance by Spurs, ’til they slacked off after figuring Charlton weren’t going to come back from 3-0 down, leaving Curbishley looking lost again.

Another loss and Boro’s stuffing by Villa should do Curbs and McClaren’s prospects for the England job no good, thankfully.

And now Spurs have become one of those statistics the likes of Motty live on with the fact that they went out so early in both cups they will only play 40 competitive games this season, the fewest for a top flight team in over 80 years.

2 Replies to “Goals”

  1. Well that 6 months didn’t half fly by 😉

    Haven’t really watched the ACoN, no matter how much Peacock & Bright try to tell me otherwise I think defending in the Titus Bramble style is only good if the striking weren’t in the Andy Cole style.

    It’s on after Monkey tonight as well 😀

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