It was good but not

Ricky Villa's wonder goal in the 1981 F.A. Cup Final replay

the greatest cup final.

Yes it brought back some excitement to the final so missing of late, some of the best goals you’ll see, though again not the greatest*. But the lack of quality from the last few years seemed to have clouded some judgement, it was the greatest at Cardiff.

You just have to look at the player ratings, bar Gerrard Liverpool players struggled to get over 5, they were pretty crap really. And Gerrard himself was MIA for a large part of the first half, I had wondered if that first minute clattering from Konchesky had done for him and Chris Waddle’s recurring nightmare had come true. Their defence were useless, don’t think I’ve seen Riise have such a bad game and Finnan why does he repeatedly come in on his left foot when obviously has no ability with it, or indeed no inclination to use it.

Did Harry Kewell have the nerve to go pick up his winners medal, like he did in Istanbul ?

Hammers were better but again I’ve read how good Benayoun & Etherington played, the former hardly touched the ball in the 1st half and the latter didn’t look up for the game at all. Lovely Sheringham style pass from Ashton for the opener, shame he seems a bit lightweight.

Yes it had to be said I was rather happy about it all, Hammers out play ‘Pool and still lose. Good to see them in tears after their joy last week when chanting “One nil to the ARSEnal”. And really rather glad Konchesky & Ferdinand were two of those to miss penalties.

Those goals from ‘Pool were stunning, cracking cross from Gerrard and excellent finish from Cisse for their first, now if he did that more often along with the way he’s played over the last couple of months Cisse would actually be a good buy, but you know it’s going to be more miss than hit. Gerrard’s were both stunners, where would they be without him ? Now if he gets that freedom for England hopefully not with Crouch on that form. They still weren’t the greatest…

*still the best goal in an F.A. Cup Final

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