Supporting England

I know from previous post it sounds like I don’t.

But I do, I really do so I’ve stuck up the banner in the top corner of all pages on Toxic Web. You can get your own by clicking the “Supporting England” bit.

Yeah I know it’s another bit of code to bloat the sites download time but it’s important 😉

Yes I really want them to win, after all that I’ve posted over the last year or so on here I would actually like Svennis to leave the job as a World Cup winning coach and want to see Beckham lift that trophy in Berlin’s Olympiastadion on July 9th, obviously I’d prefer it if he was a non-playing captain at the time.

Obviously if they play badly against Trinidad & Tobago today I’ll be back on here giving them the stick they deserve.

Oh and whisper it but I’d prefer Hargreaves to replace Neville at rightback instead of Carragher.

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