So here’s the stick

they deserve 😀

Pretty damn useless display, yeah all T&T did was get everyone back behind the ball and frustrate for a 0-0 (yes Mr Beenhakker England may have been predictable but so were you and down right dull along with it) but England showed the same amount of guile and craft that the US showed against the Czechs in the 2-0 win against Trinidad & Tobago.

Of course up until super-sub wunderkind Aaron Lennon came on and actually what everyone wanted him to do, keep out on the wing and run at them with the ball. That is the one thing that breaks down such defences unlike those aimless crosses.

All too often during the game England’s midfield was condensed into a tight space of about 20 yards in the middle of the park, Beckham constantly coming inside and getting in the way. Unable to stay out on the touchline, unable to get passed any defender, unable to find to hit a decent corner or free kick, unable to find an England player with a half decent ball, including all those aimless hoofs from 50 yards out, until he was moved to almost right fullback and the T&T defence decided Lennon was the real danger so attracted two defenders leaving Beckham all the time he needed to actually tee a cross up. When you have to create an almost dead ball situation to get a decent cross over you’re just going to play into defences hands. And again shows why Beckham’s hold on a starting place no matter what really undermines the teams ability.

But he put the cross in that the opening goal came from, a couple of seconds out of 93 minutes doing the one task he’s meant to be good at, yeah that really makes his place worthwhile.

Pace kills defences, Beckham and his lack of it kills us.

Quick one touch football changed England’s whole approach and demeanour, they looked a far more assured side and far likelier to score than when they laboured with slow a 10 touch walking pace.

The other goal will also be used to gloss over another nothing display by Gerrard, when will he learn to just try the simple things and that you don’t need to kick the ball as hard as possible when the intended recipient is only a few yards away.

The problem really is Crouch’s place in the starting lineup, it just creates too much of a tempting target for players too thick to realise that slamming “Glory/Hollywood balls” over or on the very top of his head is going to get you no where. It’s hard on the guy he’s performed when asked, put the ball in the back of the net more regularly than anyone of late, is great at dropping back and laying off the ball but with him there that’s all the likes of Beckham, Gerrard, Ferdinand etc will think of, dumb long balls all game long, it’s not Crouch’s fault just the idiots that surround him.

Carragher was his usual dull self at right back, my god at times he makes Neville look dynamic. Robinson had some real flaps that could have cost us dearly, thanks to Terry’s goal line clearance it didn’t. It’s not like Robinson, hopefully they’re out of the way now.

Ashley Cole and Rio Ferdinand look like a pair of screw ups waiting to happen, has Rio ever been the class act he was at the last World Cup since he got his big money move to ManUre ? The casual way he just let Stern John go for his back-heeled disallowed goal will be punished by better strikers and other linesmen.

And Cole, yet again he’s inside while the man he’s supposed to be defending against has the freedom of England’s left hand side. His constant falling over and missing the ball completely when diving in will gladden the heart of any decent opposing right winger.

Owen, well what can be said but is he missing sitters because he’s not really in place for them as he has no real confidence a pass will find him, maybe with consistently better service he’ll be more consistent in front of goal. That’ll be when he comes off the bench you imagine now Waaayne is back. But it comes to something when someone like Alan Smith, a player who should never have got anywhere near an England cap never mind replace a goal scoring legend in a game we needed to score in, is calling for Owen to be dropped.

I wonder what shade of purple Fergie’s face went as Rooney stepped up and took his yellow bib off then ran on to take Owen’s place 😀

You can tell he’s fit enough and the energy he’d built up just wanting to get out there would carry him through, took a couple of hard challenges from the T&T players and brushed them off with ease, oh he’ll get some treatment at corners the pundits keep whining about, players will stamp on his foot in the scrum of the box but why would you have Rooney in the box at corners ? He’s the one you want outside the box with his sweet striking.

Joe Cole, worst game in an England shirt for some time, followed Beckham’s lead by constantly crowding the midfield and the fancy step-overs lead to nothing, notice how Lennon didn’t need to try any tricks he just ran past them Joe, you can do it as well why not try it.

Lampard, was he playing ? Tame efforts wide or at Hislop apart did he do anything at all worthwhile ?

Terry, only player worth his wages yesterday, just have to hope he stays fit or we end up with Rio & Campbell, Lazy Boy & Lady Boy.

Who decided the substitutions, can’t have been Sven can it ? Well Rooney for Owen was a no brainer so that must have been Svennis but Lennon for the fullback Carragher is that the best sub Sven has used in his time in charge, well Crouch coming on against Argentina is the only other decent one.

Oh and I couldn’t give a damn if Crouch grabbed the defenders hair, defenders against him have got away with far too much already in this tournament, if you’re complain to the ref that he laid the slightest touch on you and going down for it you deserve all you get you big girl.

Anyway qualification for the 2nd round is now secured and it’s Ecuador or Germany in the next round, they’ll underestimate Ecuador and play to their potential against Germany but the latter would probably be the first away match of the World Cup for England.

2 Replies to “So here’s the stick”

  1. Spot on about the “Hollywood ball” – so many times the players, Beckham especially but not exclusively, either dink the ball up in the air or stroke it half-heartedly into a corner of the pitch – no pace, no venom, no real momentum or sign of any thought behind it.
    Ah well, win’s a win’s a win, etc. And we tend to play better when we’re not under pressure to, well, apply pressure, but are forced to get stuck in and passing properly in the middle rather than set the game’s tempo ourselves.
    But, still… On today’s evidence, lucky not to be in danger of facing Argentina in the second round… Phew.

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