I don’t believe you Sven

when you say Beckham is not untouchable.

I have taken David Beckham off before. I will do it again if I think he’s not doing the job. He doesn’t have any favours just because he’s the captain. Sven-Goran Eriksson

It’s coming from the same mouth as that used to tell Nancy you were off for an F.A. meeting or whatever when you were knocking about with Ulrika and that slapper secretary.

Yup you’ve taken Beckham off but for a whole 20 odd minutes out of all the competitive matches through the last World Cup, Euro 2002 and this tournament where he has been either totally unfit or a complete waste of space, and it’s cost us during those championships and will keep on doing so.

Everyone – from ordinary fans to World Cup winners like Alan Ball, Geoff Hurts & Ossie Ardiles to ordinary fans and media pundits – can see it but Sven.

Of course say England are 3 up with 10 minutes to go Svennis will probably take Beckham off just to say “I told you so”, if you’re going to be demob happy Sven with your squad selections and changing formations why not go the whole hog – hand the captain’s arm band to Terry and the right wing spot to Lennon.

With Hargreaves moving to rightback, Carrick slipping into the midfield anchor role your are almost at the best England XI to take on the rest with pace, just need to see beyond the haircuts, the sponsorship deals, the screaming little girls and get to the bigger picture – winning this bloody thing with some style.

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