Two out of two

so far for McClaren.

With the news that new England boss Steve McClaren has dropped David Beckham from the England set up with his first squad it’s two good decisions in two days from the ginger one.

I told David I was looking to change things, looking to go in a different direction, and he wasn’t included within that. I have great respect for David. He was a fantastic captain for England, a great player, and still is a great player.

He took the news very well, although he was disappointed. I got the reaction I wanted, and the reaction was he would continue to fight for his place, and I will never close the door on that. Steve McClaren

Though he should have closed the door, there’s no way no matter how much he tries Beckham will ever be fit enough to play international football, christ he hasn’t even been close for the last two World Cups and all points in between and he ain’t getting any younger or faster.

Forget him getting to 100 caps for England, this ain’t a charity. Goodbye Beck’s thanks for…well…that free kick against Greece an age ago.

The two most noticeable individuals joining Beckham are Sol “no one wanted me abroad and only Pompey here” Campbell and David “Calamity” James both Harry “twitch twitch” Redknapp has just signed with the laughable claim that the latter is still the best ‘keeper in England 😆 didn’t some want ‘Arry as England boss ?

Steve McClaren’s first England squad

Robinson (Tottenham), Kirkland (Liverpool), Foster (Man Utd).

Bridge (Chelsea), Brown (Man Utd), Carragher (Liverpool), A Cole (Arsenal), Dawson (Tottenham), Ferdinand (Man Utd), G Neville (Man Utd), P Neville (Everton), Terry (capt, Chelsea), Young (Charlton).

Downing (Middlesbrough), Gerrard (Liverpool), Hargreaves (Bayern Munich), Jenas (Tottenham), Lampard (Chelsea), Lennon (Tottenham), Richardson (Man Utd), Wright-Phillips (Chelsea).

Ashton (West Ham), Bent (Charlton), Crouch (Liverpool), Defoe (Tottenham).

Darren Bent has somehow jumped from the U21 squad to the full team by the looks of things 😕

Defoe had to be picked, there’s no one else and he’s had a pretty decent pre-season, just has to take his chance now. Not sure about Ashton, he seems a bit lightweight (for a big fella) to me scores at home but not away – a poor man’s Teddy Sheringham – and as for Phil Neville and Kieran Richardson’s inclusion they must be happy an old ManUre coach is running things now :roll:, still don’t know how Jenas manages it but he’s there again. Wright-Phillips should feel at home with his call up with the right wing spot taken by Aaron Lennon and WP gets a numb arse on the bench.

Well it could have been worse, just have to see if he can get them to perform…

4 Replies to “Two out of two”

  1. I just want to say that the whole 60/40 thing was the result of extreme exhaustion coupled with my being under the fading influence of intoxicants. For some unknown reason, I struggle with rage while drinking… it’s quite annoying and I’m trying to fix it.

    I just had to make that clear! 🙂

  2. Would have gone for Gerrard as captain over Terry, because I think he’s more important to the team in his position. And was excellent again tonight, pretty meaningless though the whole thing was (“ah, so NOW you decide to start scoring…”) Just seemed a shame to have Gerrard out on the right, when he was clearly minded to drift in as centrally as possible anyway (sounds familiar…), depriving of us any real threat bursting down the right. Hmm, I wonder which exhilirating North London-based whizzkid might be able to provide that…? No, back you step, Theo…)

    Oh, and – David Who…?

  3. I think Gerrards lunging in from 3 yards away two footed challenges and diving for pens, should exclude him from the armband.

    Funny you should mention that about sounding familiar.

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