So Joe’s staying and A-Rod is happy

but it along with the limp playoff exit pale into insignificance really with the death of Cory Lidle.

OK it isn’t exactly Thurman, only in the Bronx for a couple of months, only had a 4-3 record and isn’t going to have his number retired and a statue out in Monument Park but he did get the final 2-1 win that secured the 5-0 sweep in this years Boston Massacre at Fenway in August.

Chilling to read an article about Lidle’s passion for flying in the NY Times.

The whole plane has a parachute on it. Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you’re up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly. Corey Lidle

Of course if the Yanks hadn’t capitulated to Detroit in the ALDS they would be facing Oakland right now and Lidle probably wouldn’t have been flying last night but at Yankee stadium for game 2 of the ALCS. Much like infielder Enrique Wilson escaping death when the Yanks lost the 2001 WS to the Diamondbacks resulting in Wilson changing flights home and not boarding American Airlines Flight 587 that crashed into Belle Harbor, Queens he had been originally scheduled to fly out on.

So as in the title Joe has decided to stick around for next year at least. Did The Boss calm down a bit after the weekend?

And even though Torre dropped him to 8th in the lineup A-Rod’s agent says the 3rd baseman is happy the manager is staying on, well he wouldn’t say anything else now would he?

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