Worth the admission


A night of great music at the Ò'ran Mór in Glasgow from Neko Case and her band, including the opening act which, after Visqueen had to pull out, was three tracks each from Paul Pigat, Jon Rauhouse & Kelly Hogan. A bit of old time blues from Paul, some nice Hawaiian tinged swing from Rauhouse, didn’t expect him to be singing mind, and a touch of country from Kelly (great voice).

Neko’s set was as usual top notch, all the top tracks were there from “Favorite” to tracks from “Fox Confessor” such as “Hold On, Hold On” & “Maybe Sparrow”.

Now as I said in the Calexico gig post I can never remember set lists after seeing a band but I felt somewhat better about this when after the gig the band were trying to put their list in alphabetical order and were doing a pretty miserable job of remembering any the tracks they played never mind in any order. Rauhouse was, it has to be said, exceptionally bad at it 😆

And that just shows what rock and or roll is all about, one minute you’re supporting Willie Nelson in front of thousands at the Hollywood Bowl the next your stuck out the back of a converted church in Glasgow, standing next to the bins trying to remember what you’ve just played in the couple of hours beforehand (and every night for the last week) while waiting for the bus to take you to the ferry and Ireland.

Will get the usual pics of Rauhouse post gig tidying up and trying to avoid getting his picture taken on his site soon.

*Yes I was on the guest list so the price of admission was zip and worth every penny 😉 and would have been so if I’d have had to pay, excellent show.

2 Replies to “Worth the admission”

  1. Nicely smarmed… 🙂

    Bought, sorry downloaded, the new Neko album the other day – lovely, LOVELY stuff… One of those singers who seems to sing and yet gulp every sentence, every sentiment, and swallow it whole…

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