Dress to impress

dress like crap, play like crap.

Spurs were out in their “chocolate” shirt yesterday and produced the shitty display to go along with the shitty kit*.

It was typical really, beat the champions (Chelsea) last week then roll up to newly promoted Reading and think that’s all you have to do – just turn up – to get the win and 3 points, but no a lazy display leads to 3-1 defeat.

Martin Jol wasn’t very happy, and rightly so, hopefully he gave them both barrels afterwards. Playing up Ledley and Dawson for England this last week, when both have been excellent recently didn’t work when there was a lazy slackness that matched Rio Ferdinand for all the wrong reasons. Especially at the corners, I though we’d kind of got over the corner problems but no player paying attention to the ball and wandering around marking no one they almost made Liverpool’s defence look good.

With the defence out of sorts, Ledley is out of the England squad and you have to worry about his future, it didn’t help that the midfield were pretty much awol. Zakora, unsurprisingly, is taking a bit of time to get over the malaria, Jenas showed his ineptitude again (nice to read the talk of “unfullfilled talent” since) he has also pulled out of the Holland game though of course chances are he wouldn’t play and could we be lucky and it’s going to keep him out for a while or is it an excuse for the crap display on Sunday?

Berbatov certainly didn’t have his best game up front, felt his heart wasn’t really into a fight at somewhere he’s probably never heard of. Keano did alright but doesn’t look like scoring regularly.

And then horror of horrors I found myself agreeing with Svennis, did Defoe really deserve to go to the World Cup, well probably not but then he did have a season which Walcott didn’t. But Defoe was back to it again, coming off the bench to hit everything round the goal, side netting, post, ‘keeper and not the back of the net. His clear chances to goals ratio must be dreadful.

*Yeah I know the colours are historic but then so is navy blue which came before the chocolate & gold and it did Sir Bill’s team alright, hell even red came before crappy brown.

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