Two-nil and we

fucked it up.

Another bad night over at the Woolwich Pikeys, a strange one with no seeming idea from Spurs what they wanted to do, hold and go out on away goals looked like being the scheme of things.

Can’t have been to try and nick one with Defoe hardly getting a touch.

Didn’t help Lennon being sick before the game, or having Martin’s favourite little “do sod all ponce” guaranteed his starting spot after the recent injuries. Didn’t Jol say something about how the Hudd should have been in the team after the last debacle there ❓

Questions being asked about the boss, there’s been some odd choices of players and tactics of late but I can’t see dumping yet another manager after a couple of years. It’s no coincidence that those teams with stability at the top have success.

I’d just like to see a bit more of a positive outlook at times, no trying to hold on deep and see someone like Malbranque given a chance in the centre. Someone who can run the game, create and score goals.

And I know I’ve questioned him here myself but I quite like the bloke. League position isn’t great though no one is really pulling away out of the sub top 4 lot and there’s still two cups to go for after all this was the first defeat in a knockout cup this season…

2 Replies to “Two-nil and we”

  1. Spurs seemed destined to remain great underachievers this season. I actually had them down to beat the scum this weekend in out work prediction league but after that performance I’ve decided to change it down to another defeat.

    Someone said something funny on Five Live the other night. Something about the two best footy teams in London: Arsenal and Arsenal reserves 😉

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