As if Red Nose day wasn’t bad enough

Walk This Way-Aerosmith - Live 1977

what with those two lard arses Lenny Henry & Dawn French.

I mean apart from them being particularly unfunny – cue Ricky Gervais in Extras – which is good for something named “Comic Relief” but I’m sure if they searched in the folds of their fat they’d be able to sustain a medium sized African nation for a year on the “crumbs” that managed to miss their mouths.

But then it’s added to by a couple of talentless Bint Bands murdering a classic – “Walk This Way”.

And I mean both the original Aerosmith and the ‘Smiths v Run DMC versions.

Great riff.

3 Replies to “As if Red Nose day wasn’t bad enough”

  1. They may be uncomfortably connected to the utterly loathsome Cashley, but I do think a fair few Girls Aloud singles are rather classic little pop songs. Just, none of their pointless cover versions…
    Girls Aloud vs The Monkees, “Love Machine To Clarksville” – lovely stuff!
    This Comic Relief song, though – what’s the point? Two bands virtually indistinguishable, in the grand scheme of things – er, isn’t one of them meant to be different…? Right…?

    Henry, French, Gervais, though – unfunny, all. Time of Comic Relief to be brutally exterminated. Now that’d be amusing.

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