A humilation like this

was required.

For something to be done about the current England cricket team. The thrashing by South Africa in the World Cup by 9 wickets with over 30 overs to spare

Unfortunately it’ll only go as far as probably seeing Duncan Fletcher off when that buffoon Graveney will stick around in his well paid job where all he seems to be doing is trying his best to get a complexion to match Alex Ferguson’s nose.

It’ll probably mean the end to Michael Vaughan as one day captain and player, that’ll be OK as long as it doesn’t have the knock on effect it had on Nasser Hussain when he was replaced by Vaughan as the OD captain. Because Vaughan is the only one in that lot that can captain at test level and is by far the best test captain in all the countries. This means it would need to be someone like Collingwood to take the OD job, someone who wouldn’t be competition in test arena.

But all those changes would be diddly if it didn’t bring about a change in tactics, from where we are now where England play arse about tit. In tests they go out all guns blazing, slashing and swiping at anything but in the shorter form of the game they try and play themselves in.

Yeah Fletcher has been a good coach for England, well as far as tests goes, but he’s reached the end, coaches have a shelf life and his best before date was shortly after the Ashes triumph. Funny to see all those who had a go at Sir Geoffrey of Boycott when he said the coach had to go months back now repeating exactly what Boycs said.

Just a real shame about Woolmer, would have been ideal.

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