R.I.P. Squeaky


Even if he did play for “them” it was a bit of a shock this morning hearing that Alan Ball, the youngest of England’s World Cup winning side of ’66, died last night, aged only 61.

Yeah a figure of fun being a ginga, the midget stature, the squeaky voice and some of the managerial stories but he was the one still running his heart out at the end of extra time in that final nearly 41 years ago.

A player certainly from a different era, an era when England players were picked from the ranks of Blackpool.

2 Replies to “R.I.P. Squeaky”

  1. I heard fellow Spurs fans mention his connection with the wrong’uns from the wrong end of the Seven Sisters Road, but seemed fairly irrelevant here at least. Amazing really (though morbid) that he becomes just the second of that team to die.
    Was the most impressive performance of the day – no matter what West Ham fans may tell us all..!

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