It really was frustrating watching

Sevillve v Osasuna last night and last week.

During both games both sides looked very beatable and thought was that but for some stupid play Spurs should be cruising into the final in Glasgow.

Last nights game was shocking and almost a repeat of the Liverpool v Chelsea Champions League semi on Tuesday, with the away team in the second leg having a 1-0 lead.

And Osasuna like Chelsea decided the best way to go about protecting that lead was to try and emulate the Crazy Gang of Wimbledon and hump long balls up the park. Seville countered with headless chicken running and slack passing, just like Liverpool.

One wonders if the Osasuna coach claimed the best team lost and that they were the only ones trying, like Jose tried to do after Chelsea went out on penalties. The tactic of repeatedly trying to hit Drogba with long balls from Cashley was only interrupted by their other fullback seeing far to much of the ball and then promptly giving it away.

Only times they played the way they should, got to the byline and put a cross in it caused ‘Pool’s defence trouble but did they bother doing that again? No. It was calling out for Wright-Phillips and J. Cole or Robben to do that but Cole went missing and Kalou ponced about ’til well into extra time.

Not that ‘Pool were much better, was Gerrard playing, I figure he was cause he was there at the end trying to fit words in between “eerms” in the post match “interview”. I figured he must have had a forgetful day and thought he was playing for England.

Well an all Spanish occasion at Hampden, wonder if it’ll rain for them 😀 and a repeat of Istanbul in Athens.

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