Where have I heard that

before this season.

A Stuart Pearce managed team with a bit of internal strife gets a nil nil draw after missing a late penalty.

Does seem to be the way of things for Psycho’s teams these days. Still think Peter Taylor should be the U21 boss, he had a great record and was an excellent choice by Glenn.

Well I don’t think Bentley should be worried about burn out for next summer, cause he shouldn’t get anywhere near wearing an England shirt again, unless he buys it from Tesco, after the lame pullout.

Yeah at the moment it’s hard for England to throw away one option for the right hand berth with no one standing up and claiming it but the players can’t pick and chose when they want to turn up for their country at any level. So Bentley should be treated like Chris Sutton before him and never be thought of as an England player in any future squad. Peter Taylor was obviously right in his treatment of the Blackburn whinger previously. No doubt though McClown will ponce out of it and play him at some point.

Just another sad example of the “Baby Bentley” generation, I mean how scummy do you have to be for Nigel Reo-Coker to be lecturing you on loyalty? All those that were going on about how great it was that so many of Fergie’s ex-players are now managers probably hadn’t give this more than likely outcome much thought.

Just have to hope Martin O’Neill isn’t going to play silly buggers with Agbonlahor and we lose him to the Jocks.

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