You spineless bunch of

useless, clueless, gutless muppets.

You’re not fit to wear the shirt and represent your country, you are the worst bunch of pansies ever to take the field with the red rose on your chest.

OK maybe after the Australia game I don’t quite believe that, I did after the US and South Africa games but the negative stuff coming from back home helped propel the side to that victory last week.

Yeah I know it was the media that helped create a siege mentality that brought about such a response from the much maligned squad, resulting in the following comment after the game to the guy from ITV.

Borrowing a quote from Nick Faldo after he won the Open I’d like to thank the press from the heart of my bottom Nick Easter

So every little helps trying to get them up for the France game tomorrow, which brings back very good memories of the last semi-final but more the ’91 quarter final at the old Parc De Prince.

Nigel Heslop’s tackle on Blanco that saw the French fullback thump the England player, which should have seen him sent off but did result in the reversal of the penalty.

Will Carling going up for a kick with the French winger, taking the ball off him and as he’s coming down the England pack rush in and storm him down for the try.

Mick Skinner’s tackle, yes that tackle, on Marc CecillonMick the Munch was always one of my favourite players.

And to top it all off Brian Moore running the length of the pitch to give the French fans the two finger salute, ah good days. Just the shame the French aren’t so easy to wind up these days.

Everybody now…”You gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em…

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