Curtains closed, blind drawn and

shutters errr shut on the most expensive January window so far.

And what to make of the goings on at the Lane, a whole new back line in and a bunch of bit time players out.

Hard to describe Jermain Defoe as that but in the end that’s how it was, once Martin Jol made it clear he would play one big one and one little one and Robbie Keane made himself the automatic choice as the little one.

So we had the will he won’t he saga every transfer window, numerous clubs rumoured to be after him while he said he was happy to stay and fight for his place. And while many aren’t that glad to see him go there was always that nagging doubt he would stick around not sign a new deal and leave for nothing coming the end of his current contract no matter how much he claimed to love the club.

So all the speculation ended last night when he finally signed for his old boss ‘Arry at what has become the-Lane-by-the-sea, Pompey.

Left out of Capello’s first England squad Defoe really needed the move to get first team action on a regular basis, he only started about 3 Premier League games this season and unlike Keane didn’t make himself indispensable in the games. Too many missed chances. He’s one of the best at getting a yard of space in the box, even when marked tight, and getting a shot off the problem being that shot normally hit the ‘keeper or the woodwork or blazed over the bar.

So a sad goodbye but a goodbye, just wonder what they got for him, between £7m and £12m are the figures being bandied about, just hope it was the latter 😀 Now if only he can tempt his namesake down to the coast in the summer 😉

Gunter, Woodgate, Hutton and last nights addition Gilberto means the backline’s going to have a different look about it for the rest of the season. Well things had to change and Ramos was insistent they would. Still not sure about the ex-Rangers player, there’s not many make it darn sarf these days. Woodgate well if he stops handing in sicknotes then a good addition, Gunter has looked the part in the chances he’s had so far, we’ll have to see about the Brazilian. Will he play further upfield when Bale returns from his injury?

Two made lone exits, Stalteri to Fulham and Gardner to Everton. Not really players that would get a look in with the new signings and so you would be say won’t be missed. But they played their part over the years who could forget Stalteri’s gallop up the park to score the winner in injury time to beat the Pikeys 4-3, which really should have relegated them.

Gardner, well I thought he looked the part to begin with but then injury ruled him out for a while and he never really regained it, though did get a call up to the senior England squad and made gained on international cap, and became a bit part player with Ledley and Dawson commanding at the back, though when getting a few starts at the beginning of this season he looked not bad until injury struck.

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