Time to dig out the old

post title standards.

And this week it’s the turn of “It’s like deja-vu all over again”. I could have also used “Same old story, same old song and dance” as Spurs lost yet another opening game of a new season and another away loss to ‘Boro 2-1, it should have been 3-1, with an old boy scoring the winner.

Why go through preseason playing one way with a system that worked and fitted the players at their disposal to go into the first game of the league and change it about, with a different setup and players out of position? Do they never learn from past mistakes?

Why are the two best fullbacks available for selection, Bale and Gunter, sitting on the bench? If they are fit for the squad they should be starting instead of having the likes of Zokora playing out of position at rightback.

Why is the best player you have for the wide right role, Bentley, playing on the left, where he has taken the place of dos Santos who has played well on left. What a surprise neither shone or helped Bent up front.

Why was King on the bench if he’s not fit? Dawson may have got the man-of-the-match based on statistics but passing and clearance stats don’t account for the errors made when he unfortunately like so many defenders these days would rather try and play the man than the ball. He was at fault for what should have been the opening goal, which for some unknown reason was chalked off with a bemused Wheater standing their showing the ref the remains of the shirt Dawson tried to rip off his back. And didn’t cover himself in glory with the two goals the ref allowed.

And then the centre of the park…Jenas why?????

Well probably because Levy told Ramos to make him captain in King’s absence – a player who can’t motivate himself to any level in charge of ten others, oh joy – and that he has to play in every game, there can be no other reason a player so bad week in week out is first name on the team sheet.

Much waffle by the media about Berbatov only being on the bench, which heightened after he was reported as saying…

I’m now in Tottenham but no one can disagree with me wanting to follow my dream Dimtar Berbatov

Now take out the opening four words of that statement and it could be a quote from Ronaldo talking about how much he and his mother desire him to be Madrid player.

And if it was the Portuguese then ManUre and Fergie would be applauded by all the arse kissing TV/print media for standing up to the player his agent and the other team to keep their best player. But as Martin O’Neill pointed out with the reaction over his reluctance to sell Barry to ‘Pool the arse kissers think the little teams should just hand over their best players when the likes of ManUre come calling.

The unsettling and tapping up of players that ManUre do so very often is made a much easier job by their mates in TV and print.

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