They were wearing yellow but

Watford didn’t end up another Championship banana skin.

‘Arry’s Spurs managed to be the only Premier League team to get through to the Carling Cup semi-finals after facing a Championship side in the quarters, unless you count Blackburn under B.T. Charlie to be down already.

Bad start where Spurs weren’t in the game at all, well they wouldn’t be with that central midfield pairing no matter what the standard of the opposition. Which led to Watford’s deserved opener, shockingly poor defending, how many white shirts in the box marking two players?

Good to see Jenas then actually doing something positive for a change, getting tripped for the penalty is about as good as we can expect from him, as his usual contributions to the team were in abundance poncing about, giving away possession and especially hiding when one of the back four need an outlet. Stupid penalty to give away he may have been in the box but he wasn’t going anywhere. Cool finish from Pav, but then they always seem to be, touch of the Berbatov/Sheringham about him in that respect.

Not a great game but a deserved victory, another League Cup semi-final – third on the trot – another comeback win under ‘Arry something that really didn’t happen too many times before, Bent back on the score sheet after a recent drop off, just need a decent draw for the semis – basically avoiding ManUre and Burnley – and old ‘Arry and the lads might be back at Wembley.

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