Joe Jordan, Clive Allen what are you

getting paid for?

Can’t at least one of you coach Spurs how to defend at corners and set pieces?

Oh that’s right you were strikers, of course, so any chance ‘Arry has thought about bringing in a decent old defender to show them how it’s done? You know someone who would run through a brick wall to head a ball away from the goal. No but Kevin Bond and Tim Sherwood have been helping out have they…right…OK…well great help they’re turning out to be. I suppose he left his defensive guru back at Pompey to fail on his own four hooves.

Oh and while you’re at it can you ask what Cudicini thought he was up to on the winner.

Yet again Spurs had the chance to put a sliver of daylight between them and the bottom lot and they go and blow it from a corner in the dying minutes. Kevin Davies, Kevin bloody Davies he usually struggles to score two in six months never mind in little over half an hour.

Last hours of the transfer window and the B.B.B. (Bring Back Bob) rumours won’t stop. OK I can see now with Defoe being out for who knows how long, another striker is probably needed, someone in there so big Pav doesn’t get as isolated as he did first half on Saturday. Well Keane can play that role but ‘Pool are going to be asking for stupid money, for a bloke Pugwash won’t even put on the bench, and what happens if Defoe is back in a couple of weeks? Who plays where and with whom?

They could of course just say Bob returns to the Lane and ‘Pool don’t have to cough up the cash they still owe for his transfer, makes it about a £14m deal. They can’t be stupid enough top hand over Lennon, which has been widely talked about, in any deal. That would rank up there with the most stupid things the club has done in recent times. ‘Arry has said no one is leaving…

As far as transfers go, no-one will be leaving this club in the next few days, I’ll tell you that, because we can’t afford for anybody to leave. ‘Arry Redknapp

…come on surely you can do a last second deal to rid us of Jenas, a bit of wheeler dealing, maybe a brown envelope here or there.

But of the players he wants in does it include a striker or is he going to stick with Bent, would ‘Arry’s missus have taken those two chances against Bolton?

And as for Darren Bent – he has absolutely nothing to prove to me, I know he’s a good player. He was excellent today, has 14 goals for the season, and we need him here – especially with Jermain Defoe out with what looks a nasty injury. ‘Arry Redknapp

Hmmm both coming down the right hand side through Lennon, funny that, of course the returning Shimbomba (© David Pleat) also played a big part.

Now could they nip in and hijack the Arshavin move to the scumbags, him and Pav know how to play with each other – ooeer missus.

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