Never mind the quality

feel the width.

Fabio’s happy, he can point at the table, six wins out of six after the 4-0 defeat of Kazakhstan in Almaty on Saturday. After all he wasn’t expecting a great performance against a team ranked 132 in the world, why would he with that team sent out, unless he’s as delusional as some of the pundits out there.

Forget the talk of this being a long trip after a long season it’ll be the same for the World Cup and they had this last summer off after all.

He knows the defence is going to hump long balls up the park to no one in particular, he figured it would happen as much with Ferdinand but Terry could pick up some of the slack. He knew that Gerrard would run around like a headless chicken going for glory balls at every opportunity, meaning the opposition would be given the ball direct or would have it from throws and goal kicks.

Unless that is Fabio handed paid attention to what’s happened in the previous games, what with Gerrard having 72 caps now for England you’d think someone would have pointed out keeping the ball isn’t his strong suit.

Yes in a season that started and ended with the same thing, people really appreciating the way a Spanish side kept possession of the ball to win two major trophies – at the beginning the Spanish national side in winning the Euros and Barca’s Champions League triumph at the end – we still have fans, pundits and unfortunately a manager who marvelled at those two teams but still think a player who does everything he can to give away the ball is the answer.

The ball…we don’t need no steenkin’ ball.

Though I do like the layout editor of Gerrard’s ghostwriter’s paper who always tries to stick a bit telling the truth about the players inabilities slap bang next to Winter’s odiously sycophantic, oozing praise.

Hollywood balls straight to defenders, high wide and handsome of goal and passes battered with all the finesse of a Joey Barton tackle, from the same suspects as the last eight years. It will get us to the Worlds Cup finals from a piss poor group as it did under Svennis but it’ll prove our downfall once there just like that previous regime.

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