That’s the way I play

Keven Pietersen 1st Ashes Test another stupid shot
Keven Pietersen 1st Ashes Test another stupid shot

that’s the way I get out.

That’s they way I help lose Tests matches.

Don’t know what’s worse, hearing that well worn phrase in that whiny accent or the knowledge he’ll trot it out again and again after more stupid shots or seeing the lower order milk runs left right and center, knowing that if Pietersen had any brains he could have been on the right end of a nice big score sometime today.

When Broad, Swann, Anderson and even to a small extent Monty can smack Hauritz, a below average Test bowler, and the rest around the park at knocking on a run a ball what should KP have done if he had played the way he was, when making Collingwood look like the dashing batsman, before that ridiculous shot. It wasn’t bad luck Kev.

And for someone so interested in himself above others it does seem strange for him to keep denying himself all those easy runs to pad out his average.

435 all out is not bad but all got starts, most gave their wickets away against is not great Australian bowling attack, should have set a huge score, batted them out of the game, set the tone for the series.

And it’s good to see five are keeping up their Test match highlights coverage. A whole 45 minutes to fit a full day’s play in, so what more could you ask for than stupid intros with stirring music over inane hyperbole for the first five minutes. Followed up by slow motion shots of players walking down the steps to the middle, slow mos of the huddle, slow mos of the crowd, slow mos of out batsmen walking back to the pavilion. And then there’s the analyst showing more slow mos of things you’re already seen over and over again. That’s of course when they’re not filling up time with Mark Nicholas preening himself in front of the cameras.

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