reverb in all the wrong places.
So here we are at volume 7 of Bill Ruppert’s Effectology series of videos where he gets amazing non-guitar sounds out of a guitar and some well placed Electro-Harmonix effects pedals.
That’s the point of this volume, the position of the effects pedals in the signal chain, well reverb in particular. Now usually if you had a pedal you’d plonk it down last in the chain just like it was built into your amp and it’s the last thing to alter the sound before the speaker.
So here bill is again using his Ibanez Jem along with the following pedals:
#1 Overdriven “Surf-Verb” – Big Muff Pi, Micro Synth, Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai, English Muff’n and Holy Grail Reverb.
#2 “Angel Harp” Reverb – Holy Grail Reverb, Soul Preacher, Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai.
#3 “Sky Rocket” Reverb – Holy Grail Reverb, Soul Preacher, Micro Synth, Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai.
#4 “Infinite Sustain” – Soul Preacher, Cathedral Reverb, Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai.
The settings for which you can find HERE
Of course that’s OK if you like reverb, some people don’t…
…Nano version now that’s about the size of a pedal for me these days, especially compared to the old style humongous EHX boxes, it would fit in more with my dirty little threesome…

(left to right) Catalinbread Hyper Pak Dirty Channel, Catalinbread V8 Fuzz Tone Engine, Devi Ever Effector 13 AR 05 Clipping Boost.