How can it be a goal scoring

opportunity when…

A) It’s Darren Bent
2) He’s thrown himself to the floor well before any contact
x) It’s Darren Bent

Ah the old chestnut of the scorn ex coming back and getting revenge, oh it happens, happens when that ex has the ability and isn’t one of life’s confused individuals.

Even ‘Arry’s missus understands to make the point, rub their nose in it you have to actually succeed, she would have put that penalty away – as everyone on the planet said at the exact moment Bent missed it, straight after we all said “the beach ball would have scored” – but the she probably wouldn’t have dived to win it.

Of course Bruce was in full “don’t you know who I used to captain” whinge mode after. Bent had to get out of the way of the on coming ‘keeper, he didn’t dive he did his best to make sure he wasn’t taken out. By falling right down in Gomes’ path, like you would, I mean who would try and leap over a prone ‘keeper, try and get the ball to score when you can fall down?

So a woeful performance by Spurs, played off their own park and a 2-0 victory, the kind of result that has your media pundits creaming themselves over the likes of the poppyless ManUre and Chelski, who after 12 games we are just 3 points behind.

Now ‘Arry may have done a great job in persuading Levy to get shot of Bent – and as ‘Arry said the chairman did a great job getting Sunderland to cough up the £16m he coughed up in the first place – but he hasn’t been doing a great job with the team of late. He’s going to have to figure out that the 4-3-3 with three real strikers Crouch, Keane and Defoe up front doesn’t work.

Why did he buy Kranjcar if he ain’t going to start him in these types of games, hopefully the complete change around in the game after the Croat came on will have sunk in. Though would it mean ‘Arry would have to bench Keane, who does seem to have to start every game now, but then why not go back to the style at the beginning of the season that worked with the two little guys Keane and Defoe, up front in a 4-4-2.

He’s also going to have to figure out that using Jenas in the midfield doesn’t work when there’s four there never mind just three. Yes the bad trot of late has coincided with the loss of Modric and now Lennon but a major part of it has been the return of the waste of space that is Jenas. It’s no coincidence that Palacios hasn’t looked his best these last few games, it’s being stuck next to Jenas. If ‘Arry doesn’t sort it out quick smart poor old Wilson will be heading the same way as Zokora, who looked the part before he had to play every game next to the feeble Jenas. Come on ‘Arry it’s not rocket surgery.

Luckily on Saturday Huddlestone decided to stand up and do the work of Jenas and cover for Palacios’ suffering from Jenasite exposure. Now with that performance and Hudd’s ability in passing the ball his inclusion in Fabio’s “experimental” squad for the Brazil friendly is understandable but somehow Fabio watched that game and picked Jenas and Bent 😯

Undoubtedly though the man of the match and Spurs saviour was Gomes, who again showed that he is a great shot stopper, with some truly outstanding saves but he still has those mad moments and gifts refs the chance to award penalties too often with mad rushes.

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