Tweets of a Toxic mind for 2010-06-20

  • Dutch need to instil some animosity in the squad if that's how they play as friends #
  • Michel Platini just looks like he smells… #
  • No Distortron for me… #
  • Juan Riquelme to West Spam – what a waste #
  • Couple of great matches today so far in South Africa – been able to catch up on some well needed sleep. #
  • Dear Mr. Obama, in the words of Oscar Wilde, piss off you jug eared twat. #
  • New Chrome based Flock is not bad but I wish I could move the tabs to the bottom in Chrome. #
  • @rutty_uk Time to shop around, remember your roots 😉 in reply to rutty_uk #
  • Even Henry Winters think Joe Hart should start – it's that bleeding obvious Fabio. What odds on a David James moment tonight. #
  • @tottenhamsam The plus side about Carragher is the squeaky voice which is the only thing that can cut through the vuvuzelas in reply to tottenhamsam #
  • Wy do Yank players always look like spastic 7 year olds when they run away to celebrate scoring a goal? #
  • Only the French could seriously celebrate someone running away and then broadcasting to those left behind that they should stand and fight. #
  • @DGoughie stick to cricket in reply to DGoughie #
  • @DGoughie So the only player who put in the only 2 decent crosses of the night was the worst? in reply to DGoughie #
  • @DGoughie Why didn't he take on people? Because he was always having to come back for balls played behind him letting the defence get back in reply to DGoughie #
  • @DGoughie Oh and was that the cross the Algerian fella nodded just over Rooney's head? in reply to DGoughie #
  • Fabio Capello: we wanted Don Corleone, Vito or Michael, we got Fredo! #
  • @GloryGloryCoUk Really, it isn't butter. in reply to GloryGloryCoUk #
  • Is there a form filling extension for chrome? It's a must. #
  • @rutty_uk Looks like a good one, cheers. This could mean the end of the horse-drawn Firefox. in reply to rutty_uk #
  • Trevor Brooking fears there's no one to replace the Golden Generation. Well how about a team of players not a bunch of "star" names. #
  • @rutty_uk Yes FF has got far too slow, luckily Flock changed to Chrome which made me retry it, just need a download manager now, any clues? in reply to rutty_uk #
  • Nowt better than fresh locally grown strawberries #
  • @rutty_uk Surprisingly looks like there isn't, especially not one like FFs Download Them All. in reply to rutty_uk #
  • @rutty_uk That sounds too geeky for me 😉 (will take a look) in reply to rutty_uk #
  • @rutty_uk Cheers, had seen IDM, but it costs money, have found something similar – Orbit – which is free. in reply to rutty_uk #
  • @yawnerddn As oh so subtle hints go is that aimed at the right people? 😉 in reply to yawnerddn #
  • “Family matters to me so much. Where would we be without them?” – Chris Huhne – #
  • Jesus every time bloody Jock-O-Vision change from network schedule my DVR timers are fucked and I miss the end of films. #

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