Even when the two strikers actually manage

to score, Spurs still can’t win.

Thanks to some very shaky defending and keeping, hopefully getting it out of their system before Wednesday.

Ah yes midweek, what ‘Arry had his eye on with that team selection, even though this was the most important game and ‘Arry keeps saying this because we need Wednesday night games next season. So we find he’s seemingly resting Lennon, replacing him on the right with Pienaar, shifting Modric out left and lumping Sandro with the shitty end of the stick again, pairing him with Jenas in the middle.

The young Brazilian will treated better in the future you hope. After all how many better midfielders have we seen leaving to perform in other sides because they either couldn’t get in the side because of Jenas or had to suffer being paired alongside him.

On a pitch that more resembled the old Molineaux under Major Frank Buckley – where he pretty much flooded the park to the detriment of the passers of Wolves opponents, preferring his players to go more for the long ball game – it was Wolves who were playing the passing game, nice triangles with players making and finding space, while Spurs were aimlessly humping it up the park. It was 26 minutes in before Assou-Ekotto finally found a Spurs players with what was about his sixth aimless hoof. Dawson was also culpable in this.

Wolves pretty much had the best of the first half as Jenas & Pienaar went missing, Sandro couldn’t cover everywhere and Modric was completely wasted when out wide and created a gaping hole when his natural instinct to come inside overtook. So Wolves had the run of the wings, dangerous when they’ve got Jarvis, who can cross with both feet and Spurs are in full flap mode.

First goal was coming for a bit before the completely unmarked Doyle flicked a cross through Gomes flapping mitts. It was going to be an afternoon of defensive howlers as Spurs dropped far too deep too often and Dawson when not selling himself with headless attempts at interceptions was with Gallas’ help floundering and not marking anyone.

As per a number of games this season going behind kick Spurs a bit of a kick start. Modric in the middle finds Pav who runs into trouble, it looked awful cramped in there but as Defoe picked up the ball he goes round the crowd and bangs in a sweet strike. First league goal for how long? You knew as soon as it when in every Spurs fan was saying he only needs to get that first and the floodgates will open now.

Five minutes later it looked to be coming true the defence actually break up a Wolves attack and after a couple of nice balls from Modric, Defoe has it wide left he breaks inside, lay-off to Modric who trying to be a bit too intricate in a tight spot kicks it straight to a Wolves player, luckily so hard the rebound goes straight to Defoe and with little back swing the ball is in the back of the net.

Wolves couldn’t believe it they had been far the better side but looked like heading in at the break losing. But then more defensive chaos, how many players in white at the edge of the box and yet the ball finds it’s way to Milijas who is about to have a bang when the dithering Hutton decides to intervene. Penalty, goal scoring opportunity, red card. Well according to the ref, Mark Halsey, yes, no, no. One can only assume that he felt leaving Hutton on the park was more of a penalty for Spurs than playing with 10 men. Not the last time Wolves had a difference of opinion with him.

Spurs, though unchanged, looked brighter after the break. Assou-Ekotto unusually finding a team mate with a hump, Jenas actually trying to prove he was playing just about finds Pav with a stretch and after one touch the Russian bangs it into the net. Another 18 yard screamer. Pavlyuchenko’s first touch was reminiscent of that for his goal against Chelsea, but you do wonder if he means it or it’s just a couldn’t trap a bag of sand touch. Christ alone though knows what Hutton was shouting and waving his arms for though while Pav was trying to rip the net.

Both strikers scoring, in the same game, when did that last happen?

Wolves had their chances, mainly from Jarvis’ crosses that were getting past Hutton with ease. The defence was far too deep allowing Wolves to get forward with ease. Some pressure was relieved when Bale made his much welcomed return. Now he was crating an out ball and causing problems but sticking him on the right while keeping Modric on the left and keeping Jenas on the park seemed a waste. It seemed even stranger from ‘Arry when he brought Lennon on to play on the left. Then the eye again seemed to be looking at Wednesday with the withdrawal of Modric.

Gomes tried his best to make up for the opening goal with a fine full length save, but not long after reverted to type as he flung the ball into his own net while trying to do the same to Wolves’ Stearman. Halsey blew for a foul on the ‘keeper. It wasn’t, it was lucky, it was either an own-goal or another penalty.

Before that Bale could have finished it, after Defoe should have but reverted to type as he hit the woodwork. Then Wolves equalised, another good cross from Jarvis and another free header by a Wolves striker.

Could have won it, should have won it. Could have lost it, should have lost it. Another 2 dropped points, five lost over last two games, what will they be worth come the end of the season?

A fitting tribute to Dean Richards – who was given a nice tribute beforehand – not really with that sloppy defending from Spurs. He might have enjoyed the entertainment otherwise.

Didn’t do an RIP post when he died. A much maligned player during and after his days at Spurs mainly due to the price tag – £8.1m then a record for an uncapped player – and injuries and the illness that prevented him fulfiling his promise but he certainly didn’t merit any place on those worst players lists you saw many people placing him in before his death. Had he been fit and healthy he was an ideal replacement for Judas and a partnership with Ledley would have been class.

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