An ‘onest mistake, ‘Arry

are you sure?

And why are you letting him off the hook so easily ‘Arry? Scared of getting an F.A. charge? Well how about sticking up for your team an d the fans and telling the truth. It would be an easy charge to over come as nothing you could say would bring the game into more disrepute than the actions of the official in question.

Incompetence is the best thing that could be said Mike Cairns’ decision, sheer downright incompetence. At worst, well what would the TV companies, the F.A. and the Premier League want more than Chelsea stumping up for the top of the table clash next weekend against ManUre being only 3 points behind. Making next weeks game so huge in the title race. What could that scenario lead to a claim of?

How can it be an honest mistake when he says he saw something that didn’t happen.

He says he saw a gap between the bottom of the ball and the line, well he was so far away I even doubt this but even if he did, does he think that means it’s a goal, does he not know the laws of the game, whole of the ball whole of the line? Does he also know that he’s not supposed to guess, though he was very confident in his guess. It could be nothing more than a guesswork. Either way he shouldn’t be running the line in any game for a while, no demotion drop down the leagues, never mind ‘Arry being ‘appy for him to be doing it in a Spurs’ game.

Lets not forget the muppet on the other side allowed the winning goal to stand, so the officials turned a one goal defeat into a one goal victory.

But saying all that rolling over an accepting what happened wasn’t the only thing ‘Arry got wrong. Now getting at Sandro and giving the young lad a bollicking just after he scored his first goal in the country – a screamer and you could see the joy all over his face – did have the desired effect in the fact the Brazilian wasn’t so attacking after, it just highlighted what seemed to be the mentality of the manager. Kepp it tight and don’t lose, don’t bother about winning, just don’t lose.

Yes Sandro was getting forward but it wasn’t like he was shirking his defensive duties, the lad was a beast all day and showed time and time again why he shouldn’t have been benched for recent games. Man of the match was well deserved.

Both he and Modric were immense, during the beginning of the second half they were just bossing the game. It’s just the rest of them seemed to be set up to defend first, foremost and only. Time after time Bale and Lennon were inside clogging up the midfield, when Cheski have fullbacks just crying out to be attacked at pace. Bale just went for Ivanovic once, got the Serbian booked, it was then crying out for Bale to attack him again and again but he didn’t once. Too busy defending inside.

On the other side Lennon just didn’t get any service at all. Kaboul looked decent at right-back last season on Saturday he was hopeless going forward – great tackle on Malouda that wasn’t a penalty, though a surprise the ref didn’t give it. Too obvious? – kept giving away possession and just didn’t link with Lennon at all. When Terry is so slow, lumbering and prone to just taking out players, Lennon should have been attacking him but nothing, through no fault of his own. He was probably just grateful to be on the right.

Then to highlight it all, with their formation and personnel not working Ancelotti makes a change, on comes Kalou for Torres – admittedly a bum for an expensive flop – but the Italian was going for the win. While ‘Arry waited and waited while it wasn’t working up front until the 85th minute when he finally made a change and brought Jenas on for van der Vaart.

Holding out for the draw, while Ancelotti knew nothing less than a victory would do and so went for it, ‘Arry knew nothing less than a win would do and played for the draw.

Yes Gomes made yet another howler, the officials handed them two goals but when it came down to it the three points were the only thing that meant anything, getting a point was pretty much meaningless so there was no difference between drawing and losing, when the could have gone for it, ‘Arry chose to go for the point and lost anyway.

The other overriding factor following yesterday’s game which saw Liverpool leapfrog us into fifth – though having played a game extra – that we were right on Chelski’s coattails, Liverpool were miles behind and then they both heavily invested in January, while Spurs went out and got Pienaar for peanuts – who fannied about as a replacement for Corluka – Liverpool are above us on goal difference and Chelski are 15 points ahead.

Well after all’Arry doesn’t want to be in the Europa League next season.

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