It’s only the tin pot cup

ain’t that the usual response?

I have to admit my mind wandered off quite a bit during last nights League Cup tie between Stoke and Spurs. Well with being reduced to listening on the radio it added to the feeling that if they can’t be bothered – both players on the park and commentators* on the radio – then why should I?

About as abject a 120 minutes of football as it’s possible to have. Two clubs that didn’t want to be there dragging out something to the bitter end that they in reality wanted over as soon as possible.

You’d think with Gomes back to his flapping worst that Crouch would come back to haunt us, but no he showed the type of striking skill that makes you think Levy did some good business. Back to poor old Heurelho, his stocks fallen so fast that the Greeks are looking to bail him out. He was one of two senior players that should have been in the starting XI to fight for their place. Both failed miserably. Gomes with that old time flapping and Pavlyuchenko, who has gone past testing the patience.

Both had the chance to redeem themselves after abject displays in the penalty shootout. This was his forte after all – ain’t it why we signed him, those pens he saved against us for PSV in the UEFA Cup? – but no he didn’t save any. While Pav showed about as much interest in taking his penalty as he had all night. It was no great surprise when he missed by a good old Russian country mile. Fitting really.

Positives, you gotta take positives out of these types of situations. Well, another clean sheet. Sandro is back. That is the big positive. Excellent on his return snuffing most things out, no doubt unless ‘Arry goes all continental with the formation, he’ll be stuck wasting on the bench while Parker dulls for England.

The other plus was little Tommy Carroll, who had a very productive outing for the first half.

And that’s about your lot. Just count your blessings if you didn’t sit through hearing it, even more so that you didn’t pay to travel to watch it.

A game to watch on Ceefax.

*the two on BBC London have obviously switched their love from Keane to Defoe. When hearing them before all they did was go on and on about how Keane should be playing when it was blatant to all that he wasn’t the player of old. Now we are being told how great and electrifying Defoe is cause he’s scored goals. The fact he’s looked inept in between and missed others is conveniently ignored.

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