England find the answer is to drop

Bell, Broad and Anderson.

The cricket fan who stumped up what was probably a decent whack might have actually got their money’s worth in the one day series between England and New Zealand.

Thankfully, unlike the test series, this did have a deciding game and it joined the other four as being about as exciting as 50 over cricket has ever got in this country, well with England involved.

Five days of cricket saw over 3000 runs scored, 3,151, England contributing the most runs scored by a side in a five match series, 1,617.

From the hosts crushing the visitors in the opening game putting on over 400 and dismissing New Zealand for less than half that to Jonny Bairstow coming into the side after Butler’s injury and rescuing England from 45 for 5 to reach their Duckworth Lewis adjusted target with an over to spare, via going behind after two tight ones to Root and Morgan leading them to a record, for England, run chase, it was one hell of a series.

All that was missing was Anderson doing nothing, Broad enforcing nobody and Bell leading from the pavilion after he’d bottled it again.

Now will Bayliss and Farbrace look at what they’ve started and have the courage to continue into the Ashes?

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