Well who didn’t see that coming

from Spurs?

In a surprise to absolutely no one Spurs jettison yet another manager, the thing is it wasn’t a surprise the minute they hired Conte, never mind after his “sack me now” rant.

That’s the thing, surely no one saw this working I mean it’s not like we haven’t been here before. It’s just like Mourinho hiring. Levy wants the big name, he wants what that big name winning manager brings he just doesn’t want to pay for it.

Well, doesn’t want to pay for it in players, would rather save the money and use it to pay off managers.

And that’s the thing with these big name managers, yes they’re winners, won everything at every other club they’ve been at but at those clubs they’ve been backed to the hilt with money, lots of money for players they wanted. They were never going to get that, the way they wanted at Spurs under Levy.

Wash, get rinsed, repeat.

We have 10 Premier League games remaining and we have a fight on our hands for a Champions League place. We all need to pull together. Everyone has to step up to ensure the highest possible finish for our Club and amazing, loyal supportersDaniel Levy

Levy’s statement on the announcement of the mutual agreement that Conte is off, says enough. Champions League place, that’s all he’s interested in. Getting top 4, it’s all very Wenger Trophy Fourth. Never mind meekly going out of the CL or meekly exiting the FA Cup. No, it’s not about winning anything, it’s just being in that one competition.

Conte’s situation was much like Mourinho’s in that yes they were tarnished by being ex-Chelsea but the football was turgid. Conte’s stuff was god awful to watch and he did himself no favours by taking time off and Levy seeing the team have a lift in performance when he wasn’t around.

It’s funny that they only member of the coaching staff to leave with Conte, is his brother Gianluca Conte, who is the opposition analyst. I’m guessing that job just entailed looking up the fixture list and then telling Conte who Spurs are playing if he asks. Because they didn’t exactly tailor themselves to the different opposition did they, it was the same week in week out. “Oh, it’s Wolves, think we’ll go 3-4-3”.

It is strange, and the one great surprise that the rest of Conte’s entourage is staying on, it’s not Ryan Mason taking over but Conte’s number 2, Cristian Stellini, as interim coach until the end of the season.

And after seeing another manager’s record destroyed by Levy, who wants to be Spurs manager for 18 months before getting the next payoff?

Thankfully with Tuchel now employed by Munich, Levy can’t keep up his Chelsea fetish, he would have been Levy’s fifth. Would Poch want to go through all of this again, it won’t be the same in that the good bits won’t be there, because it can’t be like the first time, just the bad bits like Levy and the players that got him the sack last time. Getting the sack from Munich will have knocked Nagelsmann back a bit but his record stands up, will he want to have it knocked back by Levy?

Who every it is you can see the future right now, as after a good start Spurs get knocked out of the Cup by a lower league team, with errors from Sanchez and Lloris, after Winks gave the ball away with a back pass.

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