Hey ho let’s


not go.

Manhattan Civil Court judge Joan M. Kenney ruled (August 10th) that the legendary club CBGB, which faced closure, hasn’t been stiffing its landlord (Bowery Residents’ Committee) for rent in the past few years and can’t be evicted for that reason.

In her verdict, Kenney said that granting an eviction would be –

unjust and harsh especially when, for over three decades, this tenant has been a pillar of the community….CBGB has had both a local and worldwide impact that continues to reverberate today Joan M. Kenney

Of course the club officials are happy at the judgement –

As we’ve said all along, the lease negotiations have nothing to do with these issues, said .Now that these issues are fully off the table, we hope that we can move on to a fair understanding and get a lease signed. CBGB spokesman Scott Goodstein

But the new lease is nowhere near guaranteed by it, the clubs owner (Hilly Kristal) is worried the BRC will seek to more than double his current monthly rent of $19,500 to $40,000. The current lease runs out on August 31st.

Save CBGB Coalition, headed by Steven Van Zandt (“The Sopranos” and the E Street Band fame) are still organising events to raise awareness to save the club.

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